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    Not that Im okay with the prison system as is, but you either fail to understand (or fail to remember the bad old days) or are deliberately mischaracterizing the nature and evolution of some drug laws.

    "Hung out." Perhaps, more accurately, you mean "shot the shit," as it were?

    You say hung out. But thats an entertainingly inaccurate summary, no?

    And the Jezebel response is what exactly?

    Oh, are we gonna do this "name the small things a country that carries no security risks and has no ethnological diversity issues has accomplished" dance?

    See response to C.A. Pinkham below, if you're interested.

    Denmark accomplishes the feat of paying fast-food workers $20/hour. Denmark accomplishes pretty much nothing else.
    There, fixed it.

    So, your response is to:
    1. Point out an autocorrect error, and
    2. Confess to being a bigot.
    Nice work.

    Conflating the football program of a Catholic university with the small minority of Catholic priests who have raped children is bigotry no matter how you try to slice it.

    To some degree it's almost a biological imperative as to children.
    I recall some scientific investigation about children deprived of touch; they grew up to show dramatically anti-social tendencies, criminal behavior, and just all around misery for themselves and people they came into contact with.

    I'll skip the now-repetitive process of restating things back to each other.

    Instead, explain:
    1. On what basis you're accepting Seeberg's account as true?

    2. How, if you have at all, you have factored into your comments the facts that three other witness accounts conflicted with Seeberg's complaint, and that recovered

    I hope my son never: hooks up with a literally mentally ill girl during a college party, never goes below the waist, stops when asked to stop, then gets branded a "rapist" or "sexual assailant" for life for that, and also has to deal with people like you who unquestioningly accept the mentally ill girl's report and

    I already responded about exactly those issues twice in this thread to TrotsHat. Maybe you can't see them because of Kinja?

    Every sentence you just wrote is either partially or totally incorrect.
    This having devolved into arguing over prior comments in this thread rather than any issues, it seems like we'd be wasting each other's time to comment further here.

    I'm not trying to make it a dick measuring contest.
    Someone asserted that ND had a rape scandal comparable to FSU's.
    And a bunch of anti-Catholics smears were tacked on for fun.
    I corrected the record.
    I for one wouldn't enter into a dick measuring contest with Jameis Winston.

    I've read all of those. They confirm a hook-up gone somewhat bad. They confirm that no genitals were touched or exposed.
    I note you omit a bunch of facts. Like the time between her report and her suicide was a matter of days - not a very long time to investigate a "sexual assault" that amounts to a hookup she

    I already did somewhere in these comments.

    I did not represent her suicide as "inevitable." I contend that her suicide resulted from her illness more than from the sexual assault.

    The simple realities are:
    a) an unwelcome boob-touching or grabbiness during a hook-up does not lead to suicide by any mentally healthy

    Which, again, applies to both regular students and players.

    Uhh, see my comment that begins:

    Yeah, how about this drop in the vast body: as of when I was a varsity athlete there, *every* athlete had to pass calculus as a freshman.
    They'd get you a tutor, but you had to take the damn quizzes and tests….
    I doubt that, outside of Navy, Air Force, Army, and maybe BYU and Stanford (I doubt it, as to Stanford),

    First of all, Teos girlfriend scandal is pretty distant from academic caliber. Ive got top degrees out my ass and Ive been utterly tricked by girls who look like goddam kewpie dolls.