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    Ohhh, you mean Lizzy Seeberg. The girl who claimed the guy touched her breast during a hookup, and stopped when she told him to.
    As in, no penis, no fingers, no vagina, ever involved.
    Nice try swapping out rape for sexual assault. Not the same thing (especially not with what happened with Seeberg).

    The facts are that FSU and Tallahassee authorities swept a promptly reported, DNA supported rape claim under the rug, and Notre Dame and South Bend authorities did absolutely nothing of the sort. That is irrefutable.

    That scandal involves numerous students; five football players happen to be among them.

    Ah, back to Lizzy Seeberg. It always comes back to Seeberg for your type.
    A mentally ill girl, dropped out of her last college to try to get it together, commits suicide following a hookup with a guy where no genitals were ever even touched, and where she admits he stopped when she said no, and suddenly Notre Dame =

    Reported + DNA evidence + additional evidence + FSU and law enforcement failures =/= third hand unreported rumor (where neither the school nor law enforcement ever even had the chance to, uh, not do anything).

    No, it wouldn't.
    At FSU, the victim reported the event to police within hours. And DNA evidence proved Winston had sex with her at a minimum. Then, FSU and local law enforcement sat and sat and sat.
    At Notre Dame, no rape report was ever made … to any authority … ever.
    Can you detect the distinction now that Ive

    I would call it a) personal knowledge, and b) more evidence than you've got.

    Yeah right, that is what you had in mind….
    Nice effort switching out scandal in favor of allegation, btw.
    And if third hand rumors never even reported to the authorities are dignified as "allegations" then we are approaching kafka-land.

    They are. Been there, know them, know players from other schools. There are plenty of pretty bright players at many schools. Notre Dame players average way above the curve.

    No one remembers that because it didn't happen.

    It wasn't a rape scandal.

    Notre Dame had no rape scandal.

    It wasn't a rape scandal.
    Nothing below the waist was even alleged by the victim. It was a boob-touching during a make-out session.
    Sounds crazy, I know, but … it turned she was mentally unstable.

    Waahhh I was expected to look glamorous in order to be on the cover of Vanity Fair!
    Some of the best wardrobe and cosmetics experts in the world efficiently made that happen waahhh!

    But, uh, men, including the men being hit with dick-size criticisms, aren't necessarily "misogynists denying your humanity."
    So that's a big bunch of collateral damage you're creating in order for you and your bitter harpies to get some revenge on the misogynists you want to strike back at.
    Your generalizing like

    If it's wrong when it's done to you (or women as a group), then it's probably wrong to do it to others.
    That's like a kindergarten-level morality lesson.

    Well, here's some evidence. And she's done it before with other men she felt were causing her problems. So that's some more evidence.

    I believe 100% she's been sexually abused

    Yours was the first when I clicked on it. Kinja.
    And wouldn't you know, this would be one of the few times when such a person actually did stop by to drop a nasty comment.
    Anyway, I'm just urging a bit more definition of "people." The strawman phenomenon I described is very real - you engaged in it.
    Without a doubt,

    "People" meaning who?
    This kind of comment is practically the first comment on so many Jezebel posts: create a strawman and bash it.
    I'm pretty sure the vast majority of "people" don't fit the boogieman you describe.
    But hey, it's Jezebel - gotta have somebody to rage at, right?