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    Hell, even Seeberg's accusations didn't amount to much.
    'We were hooking up. He grabbed my boob and kinda pinned me briefly. I told him 'no'. He stopped. No, no penis, no vagina, no penetration, I didn't even have my bra off. So, can we call that sexual assault please?'
    Seeberg died probably because her mental

    You could go frame by hi-def frame of the review from any angle, and never see a single frame showing the ball touching the turf. That tells us the call was reasonable, and that no review could overturn it.

    Who's your team?

    Whatever. Tell that to someone who's spouse was shot, or who was raped, during an armed home invasion.
    I'm sure there's mental trauma for you, apparently more than for most, but it ain't death, a gunshot wound, or a rape.

    Armed home invasions are treated even more sternly.
    Someone I know just got sentenced to 13 years, to serve not less than 10, for an armed home invasion/robbery during which no one really got hurt.
    He wasn't even armed, he was so nice during the invasion that the family testified on his behalf for leniency, and he had

    Ryan is "biased" in the sense that she writes irresponsible, one-sided pieces to suit her agenda.

    Goodbye Lindy West.
    I will not miss you.
    I will not miss your weak writing nor your unprofessionalism.
    I hope you get your act together.
    And I hope Jezebel replaces with you with someone better.

    Her 'article' on the NFL is a pathetically biased rant. How many stupid "If" analogies more could she stuff into it before you rate it below "stellar"?

    Address the question of Rice's wife.
    Does she give a shit about women?
    After all, she chose to marry Rice after this punch-out.
    I'm also thinking she did not want him cut from his team nor thrown out of the NFL.

    Where do you see the line between NFL players' off-field lives and the NFL's zone of responsibility?

    Holding the league responsible for players' off field conduct can be quite a stretch. I note that you seem to have little to say on the matter unless it affects what you consider women's issues. In Ray Rice's case,

    Did you just write "hella" non-ironically?
    You're the worst, Lindy. I really do not understand how you've hung onto a paid position at Gawker Media.

    Just like these men prop up strawman (strawwoman?) 'feminists' and 'feminazis', so do Jez and Jezzies with MRAs and general strawman sexists. Jesus, the number of sarcastic comments with "Teh laydeez .... [insert fictional sexist comment]" on Jez.... So no, those quotes are made up.

    Ha Kim K, Woman of the Year. Yikes!

    Good luck with this. You'll be lucky not to be dismissed.

    And young women choose to buy the products, and buy them, and buy them....

    I find that almost impossible to believe.

    Well chosen .gif.
    Because, real talk, this family gets on Tracy's nerves because they're white, suburbanite, somewhat affluent, stereotypically good looking, and having some fun adopting a black music form.
    She would never resent something similar from a family of another race or circumstance.
    It's white people.

    Not to defend those guys, but Jezebel and Jezzie comments often do something similar. Replace Feminazis, etc. with MRAs, etc.

    Not for nothing, but one sees that a lot on Jezebel. A lot of posts and comments start with something like, "Sorry, men..." "Sorry MRAs..." "Sorry [insert some caricature of a male or some decrepit white male asshole]."

    Come off it. He's not saying chess sucks or chess is for pussies. He's just saying it shouldn't be lumped in as a sport. That's reasonable, whether or not you actually agree.