good luck banning the AR15 or any evil black rifle—-SCOTUS already said
any firearm in common use is LEGAL
so with over 15 million of them out there....common use!
good luck banning the AR15 or any evil black rifle—-SCOTUS already said
any firearm in common use is LEGAL
so with over 15 million of them out there....common use!
So every hog hunter in the USA has no sense???
Way to insult thousands!
I can bet you never heard of hog hunting or ever watched a video of it by that statement???
Don’t get me wrong, I like shotguns (keep an 870 in the truck loaded with Winchester PDX), but I’m just not a fan of it for home defense.
“”nobody with any sense of sport uses them for hunting.””
See wild hog hunting—thousands use them all the time and AR15's comes in more than on caliber these days—300blackout 308/7.62
both are hunting rounds!
and once again I say—USED IN LESS THAN 3% of murders !!!!
Nope. Saying people can’t yell fire in a crowded theater is not removing their voice, it’s just taking away one thing they can say.
If I am using it in a law-abiding fashion, it doesn’t matter whether you think it is “useful” or not. I am not doing anything wrong. I am not committing any crimes. I do not deserve to be punished preemptively because of what some other asshole did.
The difference is, you get punished for yelling fire in a crowded theater after the fact.
My concern with half shells are feeding issues. They just aren’t reliable enough to cycle, and that’s a no go for me for home defense.
humm lets start tearing this one apart!
1===well in that case a good shotgun OWULD do far more damage—but that is the choice of the nutter in question—see the Term trench gun WW1 please for why??
2====you’er kidding right—just go to bass pro shops or any large sporting goods box store —beside DICK’s who suck—-well you…
Practical evidence shows that the shotgun’s buckshot will do the same.
There is a difference between a small mistake and total ignorance though, someone who makes small, pedantic mistakes (shell/round, clip/magazine, heck even using the term “gun” for small arms is technically mistaken, “guns” are crew-served) is not going to affect their point in the least.
If you want to pass laws that have the potential to instantly turn large numbers of law abiding people into felons, it is probably worthwhile to understand the terminology that will be used in such laws.
The clip/magazine stuff is just pedants being pedantic. Calling an AR15 an assault rifle is either ignorance or a willful distortion in an attempt to trigger an emotional response(fear). I’d say one of these matters more than the other. There is something to be said about having a clue wtf you’re talking about. When…
If you’re using those inaccuracies during a friendly discussion or debate, no biggie maybe. When actual legal policy that effects millions of citizens is involved, it is pretty darn important. I think the author’s inclusion of ‘assault rifle’, and yours in your comment, illustrate this point best. There is actually an…
I don’t care what the rest of society thinks. “The majority thinks you shouldn’t have rights”. Isn’t that what the Nazis said, before they disarmed Jewish people and marched them into death camps? My rights are not conditioned on your approval, or your cost/benefit. I have the human right, constitutionally protected,…
Technical inaccuracies matter when you’re advocating for banning technical features.
Actually effective shotgun rounds for home defense are very penetrative, more so than an AR round. When an AR round (.223 or 5.56) hits a wall, it will begin to tumble and lose a lot of it’s energy. So yeah, it can still go through a wall, but it won’t be packing as big of a punch (still dangerous). A shotgun round…
I think it depends what you’re advocating. Broadly speaking there are two gun-control camps.