I feel like you don't remember the last time you went outside to a freezing cold car...
I feel like you don't remember the last time you went outside to a freezing cold car...
One time I saw a truck not being used. All people don't use truck beds. Perfect correlation.
I can state with 100% confidence that my wife's 2007 Honda Accord EX has daytimes and the dash is always illuminated; but the actual lights are not automatic. Fooled me the first time I turned the car on and drove about half a mile, then realized 'wow it's dark as hell'.
A group of protestors should go interrupt their brunch!
They should make a deal with Ford and run a little 2.7L V6 that I know about...
Take a CPR class, restraint class, or be given a course on how to deal with children who will use violence to get their way; all three will tell you when someone can say "I can't breathe" it means they can still breathe.
Slow Clap.
See my response to someone else, but I just posted a race baiting comment to follow up the original race baiting comment.
First comment: Race baiting. My Comment: Race baiting. read deeper, young padiwan.
Lol how can people post rhetorical race-baiting comments and no one bats an eye. I post another race baiting comment in response, people look right past it to 'wow racist'. If you read the first comment, it was clearly a race baiting comment, written with sarcasm and society-depreciating irony.
I would hope so, at least in this video he did something wrong
And I get that. If that's the case why not just put huge motors in the lightest cars on earth? Why not just use motorcycles with massive power? Some people just want to watch the tires burn...on their 5000+ lb whip.
Since most people never get to use the power that gets them above 90 MPH, a sleeper stop light hero is literally the tits. Tits on a bull, maybe, but hey, tits are tits. It's wonderful because it does a bunch of things (people move, tow/haul, sleep inside it laying down, have several climate zones, blast your steely…
I guess I understand...but no one drives home and sits on the couch and says 'Boy, I was lucky today that I didn't get blindsided by a drunk driver'. Only the guy who gets t-boned, and then lives, says 'boy I was lucky'.
*Tips Hat*
*Slow Clap*
My hope was this video ended with them all being shot and burned.
These have got to be done using cheats, the game is not nearly that generous when jumping.
I get that Ebola is relatively 'safe' as far as me getting it when traveling; but seriously, if someone said 'Hey, there is a guy on your flight who has Ebola. We won't say who, but you will be in close proximity for the next 2.5 hours' would you still want to fly with him? Not gonna lie, I'd wait for the next one.
Reminds me of the 'Off Road Smart Car' commercial, which is awesome.