
Stuff the turkey with things that give off moisture. Onion and apple are my go-tos and I’ve never made a dry turkey.

That’s not a silly bit and she’s not joking.

The header photo is cracking me up. The woman’s entire... presentation. It’s the tiny cross at her neck, that really pulls it together.  I’m imagining her explaining to a nun that she’s not out of uniform because she has long sleeves and her skirt is below the knee.

This is my neighborhood.

Bill Murray’s side is saying “ha ha fuck you, it’ll cost you an insane amount of money to prevail because we don’t fucking care about your rights.”

I still haven’t gotten it right. My vermicelli is never brown enough, but I toast the pine nuts adequately and it’s still delicious. I served it with Bamya last week, decided to use the lamb stock I’d made with the rice as well and apparently that’s the secret to fuck-up-resistant Lebanese rice.

Lebanese rice was such a happy discovery for me. I live alone, so I particularly love how well it reheats as leftovers.

(he was talking about his penis)

Catholics put the “Christ” in “Christians.”

I’ve spent most of my life in the Midwest, including a solid chunk of my childhood in a town not far from Traverse City, and this:

Your story reminds me of my just-recently-eliminated job hostessing at a hotel restaurant. On days when we expected to get slammed, my boss would come up with some perfectly obnoxious and unworkable restrictions that I was supposed to enforce at the front door. So I’d stand up front of an obviously nearly empty

What I learned from watching my father is that chemo isn’t hard on a person... when it isn’t working.

I’ve enjoyed reading Dan Savage for decades now, but his playing along with “what can we call this so my straight boyfriend doesn’t feel gay?” was not one of his finer moments. Fundamentally, the name game is all about how the penis is the only real sex toy and everything else is lesser.

Possibly. Just a vague memory from Con Law in law school, a discussion of what was argued about at the Constitutional Convention. An unwieldy number of law profs do have degrees from a school outside of Boston.

I was taught that Rhode Island was founded by people who not only hated paying taxes, they wanted to escape their debts as well.

I’m tired of this new tone Jezebel has been working on where the writer sounds both morally superior and glib. Also, I think she banned me for that post, which seems like an even more obnoxious response to someone who agrees with what she postures caring about.

To be fair, Agent Meechum was kinda hot.

This is the nicest thing I’ve seen someone say about Church’s chicken.