
Living the Section 8 dream, here. You’re confused on the different programs. The voucher program (HCV) is what was previously known as Section 8, that’s where the benefit travels with the person. I can use my voucher at any place that is willing to take it (and passes inspection and affordability tests). Project-based

I assumed the “splits it into even tinier aerosols” was due to wicking elements?

I’m about halfway through the deposition and it provides mountains of evidence that this guy is a complete tool. The insurance company offered him policy limits of $3 million before he hired a lawyer, all he had to do was sign a fucking medical release for them to confirm his injuries but he wouldn’t do it because he

I feel like we’ve been trying to teach Jezebel staff this point for a decade now. They should have a fucking post-it note on the wall, at least.

I can’t remember the last time a Jez writer spoke for me* that didn’t make me wince. As a person whose employer’s most generous estimate is that we’ll reopen in March 2021, I’ve followed the negotiations closely. Given that two weeks ago the Republican position was to supplement UI by $50-100 a week, I’m pleased with

Worth clicking through for “like a boozy panda.”

Leguizamo wrote a piece in the NYT a few years ago that had a “my ancestors were just as good at raping/pillaging/colonialism, why won’t white Americans give us more respect?” section that made me look around like “am I taking crazy pills? does no one else see this?”

Yes, the barrel itself is rotten. It doesn’t matter how lovely the fruit you put in it is -- they can’t be safely stored in those conditions. I’m cool with starting from scratch, but I think we should consider multiple angles. Renegotiate police union contracts so that cops are subjected to the same rules of

RBG thinks Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided. It’s a very commonly held opinion among pro-choice ranks. They like that the decision exists, but it’s almost taken for granted that, as a legal matter, it was wrongly decided.* All those people are wrong! But as a pro-choicer who defends the decision from all angles, I know

Back when Craigslist had personals (I’m trashy, shut up), it was extremely difficult (as a woman) to keep an ad up for longer than 30 minutes, presumably because the idiots you didn’t respond to would report you as spam. So it is possible that the ladies are simply experiencing life as ladies. But it’s hard to know,

Thank you for being that guy.

I thought it sounded cruel the first I heard of it, animals hate being dressed in costumes, right? Then I saw it and realized that llamas are the drag queens of the animal kingdom. They love every second of that shit.

I always enjoy the seed art and the llama costume contest is to die for.

Looking at the list of winners from the 2017 broadcast, I’m gonna guess Billy Bob Thornton, and she heard about it from Lucas Black.

This is a thing you wrote:

Are you a litigator?

Except Gawker did lose the case because they ran out of money. They couldn’t post the bond to file an appeal. They would’ve won that fucking appeal. From a litigator’s perspective, that case was some Alice in Wonderland crazy shit in multiple ways. The damages alone (compensatory vastly larger than punitive Does Not

Why hold out for more when he’s got that sweet deal with Community America? Everybody knows the big money is in doing commercials for credit unions.

When Mississippi took down the flag I had the chilling realization that this is their settlement offer, and in their minds it comes with a strict NDA where the parties never discuss the incidents or injuries again.

I loved Amanda Warren as Jane in The Purge tv show. (1) That flawless fucking white shirt. I’ll forgive the schoolgirl outfit above because of the shamelessness and devotion of the perfect white shirt. (2) They have the Jane character do so many crazy stupid things just to move the plot forward, but Warren is so good