
I loved Amanda Warren as Jane in The Purge tv show. (1) That flawless fucking white shirt. I’ll forgive the schoolgirl outfit above because of the shamelessness and devotion of the perfect white shirt. (2) They have the Jane character do so many crazy stupid things just to move the plot forward, but Warren is so good

I am grateful everyday that Mayor Lucas is in office here in KCMo. He was a good guy before the pandemic, but he’s been amazing since. I have no doubt our previous mayors would not have had the nerve to shut down all bars and restaurants the day before St. Patrick’s Day, or a full grasp of the stakes for failing to

I have a paperback copy of Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? that I bought in 1998 and tastefully aged with nicotine stains over 20+ years. I will sell it to you for $500 with a certificate of authenticity.

I keep waiting for Jen Richards to transition out of adolescence. I should probably stop giving her the benefit of the doubt and accept that she’s just an asshole.

I hate that MRAs hijacked “take the red pill” because it’s a great way of explaining white supremacy to a white person. As in: comprehending white supremacy as a white person is like taking the red pill and waking up to the reality that you are one of the machines.

Baby Leia

ikr? I blame Mortal Dictata. He’s spitefully rejecting his moral obligation here.


Well that’s what you get for hanging out at Kelly’s.

But I, a 47 year old never married woman, require guidance from a 24 year old woman who is already married to a man (Joan) on how to navigate the social pressures of heteronormativity and institutionalized marriage. 

It’s a nice yellow.

I suspect RBG will die on the bench no matter who is President.

This argument is deeply patriarchal. I agree that those are all good ideas and standards to have for reporting sexual assault allegations. But I strongly disagree that it is wrong and/or irresponsible to just give the victim a platform to tell her messy story. Part of building a culture that believes victims and

Hispanic vs. Not-Hispanic is always its own separate category on government forms requesting demo info, for reasons I’ve never understood.

Agreed that Frankie has the best smile.

The symbolism of calling for “economic resurrection” on Easter is akin to Trump fucking the Easter Bunny on the altar.

Kamala Harris, bless her, was willing to fund “up to” either a fraction of my basic expenses or a Nintendo Switch, plus a few games:

She was probably defrauding her employer.  She could’ve done the false registrations to make quota or hit a bonus.

I wish people would let go of the idea of “voting against their own interests.” It always comes down to the observer failing to correctly identify the voter’s interests, not the voter failing to identify the correct choice.

It’s a tribute to the patriarchy that the author apparently didn’t think it necessary to explain where the hell her dad was during all this.