
I’ll give you that one but I honestly don’t think Harriott would have bothered taking the time to even write that article if it wasn’t for calling Pete a lying MFer

I have little to no interest in the royals, but I always read Kelly on the subject because she makes it interesting. Same with romance novels. Kelly could probably write a weekly column on collecting buttons and I’d read it.

Diane Ladd is not afraid to stick with a gag.

I’m not terribly bothered by it, but now that you mention it grocery store clerks really do have some of the worst small talk skills.

From reading that thread I see I’m not the only one who sees this as “you want her to call her grandma a liar?” It’s possible to have a conversation about the ways in which myths of native ancestry are comforting to white people without taking that step.

47 and never married here. I generally experience my unmarried status as simply me, but reading about wedding planning always makes me feel like I dodged a bullet. I mean REALLY:

My limited exposure to fanfic/slashfic convinced me it is embarrassing and poorly written at best. (I won’t argue there’s no well-written pieces, just that I have no interest in tracking them down and consuming it.) I have spent an above average amount of time reading people talking and arguing about fanfic/slashfic,

They serve great beef dishes... in Muslim neighborhoods.

This sounds like a practice designed to create a false sense of security in the user base and a convenient defense against suits. Go capitalism!

Who does it serve to report this story at all?

And then the whole restaurant stood up and applauded.

No, really, Joan, you’re just a bad writer.

You can’t play.

It goes beyond finding it distasteful, they sincerely believe that commercialized sex injures all women. The quiet part loud: they see women engaged in consensual sex work in the same light they see industry that brazenly dumps toxic materials into the water supply. Similar to anti-choice activists, they downplay the

On the one hand, the best volunteers in any organization are the ones who recognize that the tasks that most need to be done are rarely the same tasks that will allow the volunteer to show off their fanciest skills. On the other hand, the ranks of Democratic Party campaign “professionals” are full of fucking hacks who

regurgitating liberation vocabulary and saying what they think the marginalized want to hear without having the politics to back their words up.

And don’t forget adding exorbitant labor taxes.

That’s in my recipe box, but I’ve never made it because I always end up making this:

I suspect the pretty actress lady who spends a lot of time talking about visual presentation has some transferable skills to judge stylized preening.

It’s not petty to those of us who live here! But I agree it’s a bit silly for people who wouldn’t dream of visiting KC, never mind living here, to take offense on our behalf. It’s an incredibly common mistake and outsiders are usually surprised by how much it bothers us.