
Cold Case was a procedural about healing, not solving a crime. That’s why it always made you/me cry.

Judges don’t care about boners.

I mean, when RDJ—himself known to be an exacting actor to work with—says you cross the Rubicon, that says something.

Cheers, fellow reader/recaller of Matty’s undergrad blogging. The only thing shocking about Yglesias these days is that he manages to tweet with so few typos.

Thanks for the link. I’d been wondering what the hell was going on around here.

What an odd example. I mean, I get it. I, too, have snickered at people with native flat US accents switching to foreign accents to pronounce certain words. More recently than 1988. But at the same time, in the intervening decades I’ve learned to recognize that my aversive response is far more ridiculous than the

I assume Woodley is the person who convinced him it might hurt their babies.

I have never watched a second of Dance Moms until now. Thank you for making that my first experience.

housing affordability CANNOT and NEVER WILL be solved by means of housing subsidies promoting home ownership as a money tree.

“Peg the Patriarchy” is a cute way to get “Fuck The Man” past censors and that’s it. Deeper analysis demonstrates the phrase is problematic kinda bullshit. First, you’re a sex educator, lady: did the Patriarchy consent? I mean, we can assume no, because of course not, so you’re basically urging people to rape the

Being a bigot and a murderer doesn’t preclude one from being a revolutionary. People are messy.

$119 a year for Defector. Worth it!

Jenna Dewan wasn’t available.

Normally I’d defend Shannon on the grounds that Jezebel is not written in a unitary voice and she shouldn’t be held to account for things published here when she was in jr. high. But in this particular case, the entire conversation seems to be taking place in a parallel universe where they say some things that are

The Ultimate Sports Movie Question: Did Dottie Henson intentionally tank that play & let Kit have her moment at the end of the movie?

I thought it was a joke ill-considered at inception because the whole idea was that woman just needed access to fancy lawyers and the existing legal system could clean this shit up. I have no idea how plaintiff side discrimination/harassment lawyers make it through the day because the system is mercilessly bad at

“Doing the work” is next year’s “woke.”

I’ve paid bouts of attention to the more business-y side of entertainment for three decades and I require no convincing that she’s pretty smart.

It’s a call and response in the Catholic mass. The wording was changed in the past decade, from “and also with you” to “and with your spirit.” I’ve probably said it a thousand times and not once have I meant “get fucked with a grain silo you piece of shit.” Or anything hostile, really. I’m perfectly happy to insult

Psychiatrist: Why do you drink so much?