
What meaning did it originally carry for you? Coming out in the context of the US invasion of Iraq and promotion of torture, I thought it had a pretty strong disgust aimed at quite a few members of the American government and community. BSG was arguing the moral legitimacy of using IEDs against occupiers at a time

Football fans remember Michael Sam. I’d bet that queer boys playing amateur football know who Michael Sam is and are grateful for his example. To those boys, the ones I’d argue matter the most, there is a big difference between getting drafted and making the roster, never mind lasting five years in the league. It’s

Don’t be silly, the country acts expect too much of a cut on the money laundering.

Um... Jenna would totally be a permanent employee and the temps would desperately want to join her at TGIF happy hour because she would be the most fun.

I saw this when it came out. I remember they had multiple stages of theater employees checking ID to make sure no one underage snuck in. I didn’t have the words to describe how weird watching the movie felt. “Grooming” was the main concept I was missing. I later realized it felt like I was watching the director groom

Hey, just because your local laundromats are drug fronts doesn’t mean they don’t need your laundering business.

I truly believe that sobriety is one of the most revolutionary steps you can take if you’re a woman in America.

That was half the fun.

Mr. Sports Night, if we’re feeling generous.

It’s the opposite, according to Sorkin. He has them walk and talk because he doesn’t want to be bothered with blocking or imagining any physical action in a scene -- he just wants to write the dialogue. I’ve despised 80% of his output, but I laughed when he admitted that in an interview.

He didn’t pay for sex, he paid for company. His sex providers spent years drilling that into his head, don’t mock the results of all their hard work!

What an amazing introduction to that song. I knew it well, but didn’t expect to hear the Pixies in a movie soundtrack. I clapped my hands together and blurted out “fuck yeah!” when it started. (Also, blowing up the TRW building was CATHARTIC.) I’m afraid the people in front of me thought I was psycho.

The promotional tours for the Divergent movies were an endless source of “Is she fucking serious?” amusement.

That’s a suspiciously clean stove top.

I’m not saying old Jezebel was 100% better than present Jezebel... I’m just saying it makes me a little bit sad that no one responded to your comment with “no one cares about your boner.”

Peter Greenaway’s Drowning by Numbers was the first time this lesson hit home for me.

I need more details about the heckling. Was he cheering for Buffalo?

Having lived in Portland for a few years, the simplest explanation is that these protests were filled with leftist radicals/anarchists. Because they’ve been doing (leftist) white people shit in Portland for years. To be fair, they are the people you’d impersonate if you were planning a false flag operation. So your

I find this suggestion challenging and comforting at the same time.

“Pillow-biter” doesn’t work at all, seeing as it refers to a man on the receiving end of anal sex presumably involving rough and improperly lubricated penetration (hence, biting the pillow to fight through the pain until warmed up). Pillow-biters are self-sacrificing to the impatience of penetrators, rather the