
Yes, campaign finance limits exist to prevent candidates from using marital assets to fund their campaigns. Imagine the corruption that could ensue!

Dogs mating with cats, etc.

it also reports that Harris’ campaign problems were so much worse than the norm

I fell asleep when Hoffa got out of prison and woke up during his funeral. Sleeping through “wtf happened to Hoffa” is so apt, I’ll never try to watch the movie again.

Tommy insists he was just looking for Al Franken’s endorsement when he runs for political office.

In my 10+ years working in restaurants, servers who routinely share sympathetic details about their personal lives in order to get customers invested in their personal stories are The Worst Fucking Coworkers. Manipulative and lazy, with no respect for the job or the work anyone else puts into it. It’s a hustle. You

Better than O’Hare.

I was trying to remember when these “benefits” started getting reported in the press. I know there was plenty of word of mouth turn-of-the-century chat about the wonders of working in the growing tech industry but I remember the press coverage being more Boomer-focused (at long last, the 20% annual returns they need

If we ever figure out cross-generational communication, we might make some real progress as a species.

There’s only so many ways to write “the President is plainly guilty and the Republicans, along with 40% of the American people, do not care.”

Yep. I’m not (presently) active in kink circles, but my understanding was that the top/bottom language was used to indicate positions without adding/indicating the dom/sub connotations to the scene. A dom(me) could order the sub to top them, for example.

I suspect Randy Andy would’ve found a way to live the cad life regardless of his socioeconomic status.

From that link:

If “most rabid base” was what mattered, we would’ve had Dean in 04 and Clinton in 08 (do you remember PUMAs?). Bill Bradley would’ve still been toast in 00, because Gore made sure everyone was up to date on their shots.

Rename 63rd street. That was the most popular choice when they polled residents. Which would be fucking amazing, because then you’d have MLK Jr Blvd running across the city, through every kind of neighborhood, and hitting the state line smack in the middle of Mission Hills, KS — the premiere white-flight suburb

It’s an exceptionally pretty road, cut through the landscape nicely. I’m still sad they tore down the old Paseo High School. The boulevard is sadly underdeveloped and that’s unlikely to change.

Funny, white Kansans of my generation (X) and older would always use The Paseo as their example of dangerous place the cops might drop you if you mouthed off. It’s the first major street east of Troost and therefore might as well be named “Thar Be Dragons” in the suburban imagination.

I agree. I have a mental health disability and it’s my experience and observation that people with disabilities are constantly socialized to make accommodations for everyone around us (to spare them the inconvenience of our disabilities), not ask for them ourselves. It takes conscious effort and discipline to assert

This is what happened when Gawker got shut down. They archived the posts, but didn’t save the comments.

I think it’s tricky because the minions of capital are very good at selling things that attend to the individual need to feel like you’re doing your part, and that arguably diverts energy away from far more powerful and necessary forms of collective action. So even if a person is being a spoiled child about plastic