
It probably wasn’t reported stolen because Valentino assumed Lady Gaga was the one who stole it. If the fashion house was too sensitive to reach out to Gaga’s people to ask about the dress, yes, it was abandoned and they should leave well enough alone.

Campaigns are long, boring, exhausting work that keeps you away from any normal social life. People who are passionate about the same things and remotely attracted to each other end up hooking up. Abuse and exploitation don’t necessarily follow.

I thought the Willem Dafoe comment was funny. I guess we have a bunch of Mamet fans here.

Strategic considerations for maintaining the left flank: Warren won’t punish her for the endorsement; if/when Sanders concedes, she’ll be better positioned to help move his people towards Warren; having the left go all in on Warren too early doesn’t really help Warren and does nothing to prevent the normal pressures

That’s not a scorched earth defense as much as the icy remains of a cocktail thrown disdainfully at Farrow’s feet.

In the seventh paragraph, you write:

The basic building materials can’t be as shoddy as they look. Erasing all furnishings with my mind, it looks like a new building on my bus route, where apartments are available for (and overpriced at) $1200/mo.

I read it and am thoroughly confused by those responses. It’s densely packed with details about Rihanna’s work in different fields. The writer was obviously prepared. She got some great quotes. It’s a good interview. I think the “winging it” comment was about her not being as prepared as she wanted to be, apologizing

I’m surprised by the style critique coming from a writer whose standard intro is the equivalent of a 12 year old doing an awkward cartwheel before delivering her book report.

does there exist a significant population of self-identified “bisexuals” where not being attracted to gender non-binary people is an important part of their identity or is it more that there are self-identified bisexuals that just don’t really care/know about the difference.

She also calls bisexuality “so binary.”

The book Salt Fat Acid Heat has an excellent biscuit recipe/detailed how-to (it involves folding). I basically wouldn’t try baking (outside of my one recipe for pumpkin pie, using pre-made crust) until I read that book and I found it really encouraging and helpful. It’s worth checking out from the library just to read

King Solomon’s Table is another great Jewish cookbook with a large helping of historical notes from the Diaspora. The fact that all the recipes serve 12-18 people adds a nice hint of maternal guilt as well.

I’m trying, and failing, to get people to appreciate the difference between public conversations about abortion and constitutional arguments about abortion. I agree that speaking in terms of bodily autonomy is much clearer in public conversation. But the right to privacy is our strongest constitutional argument, and

The right to privacy IS the right to bodily autonomy. It is 100% a recognition that controlling your reproductive capacity is NOT a legitimate public interest. It goes to the heart of the concept of jurisdiction, to a degree that most practicing attorneys can get by without understanding it at that level. It’s not the

How many years of ever-declining access do you need to see before you wonder what exactly those tactics are useful for? Is it really that hard to see that having a full-throated, utterly sincere argument for no legal restrictions on abortion helps promote access to abortion?

Former insurance defense attorney, present customer service worker here. I made it through law school promising myself that nothing that happened there would be as bad as a 12 hour shift waiting tables at a sports bar on the parade route on St. Patrick’s Day. I’ll make it through the rest of my work-life knowing that

As an abortion rights absolutist (I support that blank piece of paper), I’m excited to see this book exists and is being promoted here. When I’ve made comments here supporting abortion on demand, people think I’m trolling. It sucks being treated like a cartoon villain invented by Republicans (e.g. “no pro-choice

Franken basically admitted this is his longstanding M.O. when the state fair story came out — “goosing” a woman right before the picture is taken is his version of “say cheese.” He thinks he’s helping her loosen up and take a better picture. He’s displayed zero awareness of just how awful the practice is. I’m sure

May I suggest taking your analysis a step further and accepting that standardized tests are actually of very limited value? You make it sound like they’re good at assessing the neurotypical, but they just haven’t figured out the rest, quite yet, just give them time.