
I’ve heard wannabe groupies say that, but never an actual musician. For groupies, it’s a dumb status thing. For a musician, saying the ideal choice would be a lead guitarist is essentially the same as announcing one’s desire to be a 1950s housewife.

I’ll vote for any old coot who is the D nominee, but I’d argue that the disadvantage is people thinking we can’t do better than someone in their 70s. I mean, I think Warren is probably the best candidate, but I also think she knows that it’s ridiculous that we can’t find someone younger than her to do the same things.

The suits allege that the Boy Scouts were aware that the structure of the institution was a convenient landing spot for pedophiles and did nothing to rework the organization or protect its charges.

If it makes you feel younger, I worked my first restaurant job over ten years before owning a cell phone.

I feel like Andy Rooney when explaining to my coworkers (at a restaurant) that there was a time when we were expected to find sidework to do when it was slow, or - GOD FORBID - stand around at attention on the floor waiting for a customer to show up. They consider the former to require constant guidance from

Achy Breaky Heart was released 27 years ago. It was a huge hit, but I don’t think anyone felt we needed to predict that no one would care about Billy Ray Cyrus in 20 years, never mind his offspring. It was just understood. We were wrong then; you are wrong now. Better to accept that pop culture is weird and not

Very generous to herself, assuming kids are following her on instagram.

Never! The UP keeps its secrets.

I just googled to confirm my memory that when we towed the USS Cole out of the Gulf after it was attacked in 2000, its speakers blasted Kid Rock’s Cowboy. What I’m saying is, the Pentagon probably sucked his dick.

I’ve been drinking and don’t watch BIP. Why is Dean’s commentary objectionable in part? It sounds like he’s drawing the line at consent (not a bad place to draw it!). Him doing trashy shit in public which results in public commentary seems easily distinguishable from publicizing private conversations?

They never showed Gisele’s dead body! #IWantToBelieve

They never showed Gisele’s dead body! #IWantToBelieve

the Goop and Lea Michele once drank deep from the same font of evil!

Jia is more insightful than Joan Didion. I’d love to read this interview but I’m too distracted by the ongoing troll that is this site’s insistence on renaming The New Yorker.

He’s teaching the students to pronounce it correctly. As opposed to “Epsteen.”

I gather people gave you a lot of shit about those choices at the time. Judging by your defensiveness. And your desire to share with me your feelings about the superiority of old man skin. Thing is, no part of my comment was directed at you or people who like to date older, so your declaration of “no regrets!” is odd.

“Immature” refers to the “choice of partner.” As in, the women may be perfectly mature for their ages, but he is immature for consistently choosing their company over women who have matured past 25. I’m not disparaging these women at all. I’m not patronizing them by suggesting they lack the sophistication to

calling these relationships clutching at his youth does nothing but diminish these women as otherwise impressive people just because they’re beautiful.

I didn’t hate the Dead until I saw them live. My hate burns pure over 25 years later. I didn’t know how much I could hate a band until I went to a Grateful Dead show. White boy jam bands just aren’t my thing. But being immersed in the entire experience — I was adrenaline jolt defensive. It wasn’t just being