
RBG has been publicly trashing Roe v. Wade for over 40 years. If she’s on the bench if/when it’s overturned, her dissent will be a self-righteous “I told you so” all about equal protection. More likely — she’ll die on the bench with Trump in office and her private papers will later reveal she refused to retire while

Important question about the article: isn’t it The New Yorker, not the New Yorker?

I admire her so much.

I’d like to intrude on this petty dispute.

Tarantino’s crime: not doing the Manson Family fan-service movie Rich wanted to see. Rich is tearing off Tarantino’s wig in the bathroom.

I can’t believe there is a writer in the world who doesn’t understand that a “no eye contact” rule goes in the “con” column. There’s a few lines in that piece that seem like the writer is testing the publicist to see if they recognize shade.

Sarah Weddington and Linda Coffee are still alive.

I thought the same thing. Lifetime also seems pretty off-brand for Annapurna. I assume this project is some execs working through some anger issues with the boss.

The military was never his career. He signed up for the reserves to bolster his case for higher political office. I’m sure every single person he served with understood that. FFS, he waited until Obama was elected. If he’d commissioned in 04, upon graduation, I might buy that he entertained it as a career. But he


Everything about Pete signals that he figured out he wanted to be POTUS when he was in grade school and has worked hard to amass the best possible credentials for that purpose. The country is full of people like this! It’s just most of them give up the dream by college, or their 20s, or whenever. And they rarely admit

I watched the first Meryl episode and had a strong “I don’t like horror movies” response. Have not returned.

From wikipedia, bold mine:

Why would Siberians delight in posing next to Caribbean blue waters.

It’s standard at federal offices now. The SSA office near me has a full metal detector and 5 armed guards set up, with all the SSA workers behind bulletproof glass. The private agency that administered the federal heat assistance program (LIHEAP) had an armed guard in the waiting area. It’s as crazy as it sounds.

She’s the Kinsey 1 who makes out with girls at the gay bar and says things like “I’d make a great lesbian, except for eating pussy.”

No dates because she boards her studs therefore does not need to feed them.

This was moderately amusing when it was Laissez Faire on SA and you could watch people who actually studied history insult each other through obscure references for not being vanguard enough. But not as funny as sneaking testes into ordinary photos.

As an inactive member of the Kansas Bar, I say we put Kobach’s entire professional life in receivership supervised by LJ Leatherman.