
All weddings are performative.

I was taught well. Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet FTW.

It’s difficult, if not impossible, to teach children “this is how to use clothing as armor” without seeming to endorse the systems and values that determine how that is done. But if I were to try, I’d lean pretty heavily on “this is what you do to send signals of cooperation and compliance to the people in charge,”

The Devil’s greatest trick was convincing feminists that RBG is a pro-choice hero. Her actual legacy will be keeping the world safe from Mickey Mouse porn for a little while longer.

He elides the difference between “can” and “may” so seamlessly. He’d probably benefit from an editor.

Have you tried submitting it under a man’s name?

Abortion clinics don’t check citizenship and the government doesn’t pay for abortions, so you have the same access as the rest of us.

I’ve been in plenty of places with only one bathrooms

I’m just happy you have your own office. GMO’s office arrangements always look too open.

I like to think I did my 20s right, but then I look at Cara Delevingne and realize I was barely trying.

Does Ralph Fiennes mending Kristin Scott Thomas’s blouse in The English Patient count? Tension, tension, passionate kiss, he rips her shirt off... cut to him sewing the buttons back on her shirt. This is a great sex scene.

Now all parents have to do is keep their kids in the dark, and this shit continues.

Scott Pelley is an lying artfully framed piece of shit. I hope someone asks him to detail his substantive complaints because I’m betting his definition of “hostile work environment” is “not doing what Scott Pelley wants.” I don’t believe he could talk about hostility to women/minorities in the workplace for five

Bohemian Rhapsody is fine if you approach it as a story about the band, not a Mercury bio-pic. I’ve always had friends in bands. People hitting their fifties and still playing local gigs for $50 a piece. The movie is so earnestly about guys in bands who are not rock stars, I remember it fondly even though it’s not

The people who think Sansa thanked her rapist confuse me. Are they unfamiliar with the concept of making the best of a bad situation? Have they not experienced any actual hardship, where you’re haunted by the thought of a different path and a better life but you need to give yourself credit for what you’ve

On behalf of the children of narcissists everywhere, I join Drogon in blasting the Iron Throne. Why, mommy, why.

An influx of brand new (white) babies is the conservative dream. I’m not assuming that’s reality. We already have save haven laws that allow parents to drop off unwanted newborns at hospitals without facing abandonment charges. They’re hardly used. If someone wanted to be relieved of a marketable child, they’d go the

The kids in foster care were taken away from the parents, not volunteered by them for adoption. I like Jameela, but she sounds like she’s confusing kids with puppies.

The charges were dropped because the prosecutor was sensible and recognized the case as a drama sink with no real public safety concern and therefore a waste of resources. Why the prosecutor’s office disregarded the sad baby feelings of the cops/Rahm in doing so is probably best explained in long-form journalism. If