
Nicole Kidman has been getting away with making weird ass shit for 20 years. The closest she’s come to going on ice was the two years she spent working with Kubrick. Her choices are probably frustrating if you’re making 10% off of her, but as a nobody in flyoverstan she looks pretty fucking successful to me. She’s

Back up, please. Why do Instagram stories expire?

I’ve assumed for years that Lupita and Danai were a couple.

Working for McKinsey is a definite character flaw. Second only to pledging SAE in terms of declaring yourself Team Asshole.

She obviously lost her lamb chop.

Arne Duncan was an enormous proponent of charter schools, a child of privilege who’s spent his entire fucking career getting paid to push solutions that ignore teachers and focus on the sort of metrics that please business types that deep down only see public schools as drivers of real estate value, never-fucking-mind

Kentuky will be a huge swing state.

I was wondering if 40 minutes isn’t an unusually long time for a man to jerk off to a single image.

She runs as God made her. To deny her splendor, to try and diminish her natural advantage, is to disrespect the concept of athleticism.

Nobody needs to compete in the Olympics. And the presence of a few isn’t going to destroy women’s sports.

More time for sex and day drinking.

If you jumped to embrace that pun, you must have the best of taste.

Between Endgame and the Battle of Winterfell, I’m feeling like my time would be better spent catching up on sub par Balzac.

Jason was competent to be damned.

Here in Missouri, rural counties have made prisoners a cash cow. They got federal grants to build new jails with greater capacity than they needed so they rent out beds to the state. This frequently results in pre and post trial detention far from the defendant’s home/support system/lawyer. I don’t think those

I used to advise male clients that going to (municipal) court looking ridiculous in a tie is ten times better than showing up looking sharp in casual dress. It doesn’t matter if your one button up shirt doesn’t match your pants or the tie you just bought at a thrift store. The court appreciates the effort.

The child welfare case by the Department of Children and Families runs on a separate track and isn’t dependent on a criminal investigation. The local story (KSHB) I read a few hours ago reported that the child has been removed from their custody (and is presumably in foster care) but that detail has been edited out

I realize there’s something deeply wrong with me that I’m more comfortable watching Arya display sociopathic tendencies and murder people than I am watching her have sex. Or maybe it just makes me American.

And sometimes people will just call you a mathematician.

I feel less alone in the world reading your comment. It’s like “Proud Graduate of the Henry Kissinger Finishing School!”