
His cat is relieved and looks forward to her new furever home.

I don’t think it’s bleak to point out that medical doctors aren’t that different from everybody else who goes to professional school in terms of motivation. There are a shit ton of lawyers working for legal aid and the public defender who have crushing loan debt. There are a ton of lawyers who couldn’t get hired to

The lure of dermatology, specialty surgery and other big pay outs to offset student debt is a big issue.

Gregory Peck referenced as a white man who could pull off a hip hop performance. Confused!

Mickey’s comes in cans now? Well, I never.

You know who was a big fan of the “/s”? Nick Denton.

I thought the extra punctuation made it clear, even if someone were inclined to think you’re dense. Do not give in to the sarcasm font, DeWayne!

Traditionally, the perfect male plus-one is called a “walker.” But then Brooks Rattigan would be discovering different things.

The “he did it for a higher salary” sounds like the sort of nonsense cops come up with when they’re sweating someone into a coerced confession. They Mad-Libbed a narrative for the brothers based on some facts and their limited cop imaginations, then pressured the brothers into agreeing to the story.

Anti-choice success at limiting abortion access already ensures that anyone looking for an abortion after the first trimester is in a desperate place. He’s one of a handful of doctors who perform that procedure, he’s already regularly dealing with extremely vulnerable patients. If there’s no evidence of misbehavior in

Take his name off your fund and kick him out of leadership positions, sure. But I hope no one is suggesting he should stop providing medical services (without evidence that he was abusive in that context).

The pudding is on the salad bar because that’s where the cold things are kept cold. #BigGovernment #HealthCode

I don’t know how common it is, I just find it laughable.

I’m still upset about her character’s death in Ghosts of Mars.

One man, allowed to compete in the women’s events simply because he declared “I am a woman,” winning a gold medal would be almost universally viewed with blistering contempt. It would not undo the existence of women’s sports. This isn’t a real problem, or a realistic threat.

Simply allowing anyone to declare “I am a woman” would prevent that goal.

The Root did a travel series a few summers ago, where the writer hit up a bunch of spots from the 1957 Green Book. All entries are tagged under The Root Trip.

It’s pretty fucked up. Social condemnation is going to take care of Smollett (at no cost to the taxpayers!). It’s not like this is the sort of behavior we need to worry about happening on a regular basis such that the DA really needs to send a strong signal. And, most importantly, it’s not like some innocent person