
You don’t have to be mad at him if he made it up. People who instinctively distrust the report of a hate crime don’t need hoaxes to justify their impulses — bigotry gives them all the justification they need. Smullett’s actions (assuming he orchestrated it) won’t make those people worse, or their arguments more

“In my opinion, Ben Roethlisberger is a rapist” does a pretty good job of communicating “I think Ben Roethlisberger is a rapist” while also signalling to people who want to argue about convictions and burdens of proof that I DONT FUCKING CARE, DUDE IS A RAPIST. As opposed to asserting “Ben Roethlisberger is a rapist”

I was joining you in making fun of the way Gabe wrote this. Specifically this part:

I thought the story was bullshit from the start, but kept my mouth shut because being a cynical asshole is its own reward. The fact that Chicago PD took two days interviewing the no-longer-suspects before getting statements that went along with the “hoax” narrative is actually the first thing I’ve heard that points

With all the shit going on with Antonio Brown’s career, the thing he “should still probably do better” is not implicitly agree with the widely held opinion that Roethlisberger is a rapist.

Not sure why the obituary needed to mention her childhood weight and adult body type though.

The rear entry position was titled “The Negress” in the 70s edition I saw a few months ago. It was horrifying.

Chutzpah. Compound pharmacies have been serving an older/richer version of the Goop consumer for, well, probably forever, but certainly since a certain class of US doctors became more comfortable recommending herbal treatments and homeopathy. Most of that stuff is paid for out-of-pocket, so there is no

At long last, an fellow citizen who shares my passionate hatred of direct to consumer marketing of pharmaceuticals. That shit is banned in every other country on earth (except New Zealand).

To be fair, he’s got a full bundle of bullshit, it’s not just his last name. Plenty of kids of famous folk running around not getting the deals he gets.

That’s not what infallible means. Problem solved! Infallibility refers to a narrow set of teachings, not every word that passes from the pope’s lips.

It’s safe to assume he has a backer who is willing to invest economically irrational amounts of money pursuing these claims. No attorney working on contingency (which is how strong claims of personal injury are handled in this country, if you’re paying up front — it’s because the professionals have determined that

There is no “general use” of the term, bozo.

Ok, you’re even dumber than I thought if you post things like this:

Thanks for checking in, Mr. Hazlitt! If you weren’t such a moron, perhaps we could have a good discussion about the ills of federalizing crime

White supremacy is the law we pay them to enforce. They’re not exactly free-wheeling it, they are the fruit of a rotten tree.

Not that Democrats in Tough on Crime mode can’t be horrible, but the fact that even Democratic presidents appoint Republicans to head the FBI certainly doesn’t help matters. There’s just an elite consensus that Conservative ends are what such institutions are for.

I hope you constantly reminded them that it’s not an Eastern city.

The “3" in the upper left hand corner, with a circle around it, indicates that it was the third page of notes he took. Presumably at a briefing immediately before the press conference. The first two pages were torn off and placed in the back of the tablet. He probably meant to do the same with the third, but he missed

The Dollar General in my food desert neighborhood here in flyover country stocks Almond Milk. So, not-so-bougie.