
I have a stake in this conversation because I believe we have a collective moral obligation to care for the vulnerable in our society. We’re supposed to care about kids even if they’re not related to us, that’s sort of fundamental to my point. And I don’t mean “care” in the sense of get up all in their parents’

You also completely ignored my point about how the social safety net interacts with the child support system to the detriment of the custodial parent and child.

Our child support enforcement system is not suddenly going to be able to get blood from a turnip. There is no tweak to be made that will result in enforcement that isn’t disproportionately directed at the poor with irrationally punitive outcomes. That’s reality. I’d much rather see society accept collective

Those aren’t blinders, it’s the constitutional right to direct the upbringing of one’s children. You really couldn’t do a better job of supporting the author’s point that this is a reproductive rights issue, reading all that and responding with “we really should make it easier to do involuntary termination of parental

I suspect the truth is that if you refuse to work with abusers/predators in the entertainment industry, you won’t work.

Why would anyone assume you’re a straight dude when you’re expressing an opinion about the fuckability of a guy? Do you identify as a straight dude? Is your green box avatar a “straight dude” signal I was unaware of? Are you telling me to pull the stick out of my butt because my box avatar is brown???!!

It’s not shallow as much as nonsensical. I’ve “banged” more than twice as many men than you. I also do not find Adam Driver attractive. But it would never occur to me to include the number of men I’ve had sex with to bolster my opinion that I don’t find Driver fuckable. You have a type, Driver’s not it.

Those cats are plainly plotting against you.

Sunshine is not, in fact, a disinfectant.

I’m feeling defensive for Henry James.

This is my favorite sentence of yours in years:

Force is not a substance.

Better yet, maybe accept that SNAP is a great program and an incredibly efficient use of government resources, expand the number of people who qualify and free up the money they would’ve spent on food for them to cover other expenses. Stimulus!

Are you friends with any straight men? In general, they’re not going to write a detailed multi-volume exploration of toxic female friendship. They’ll just say “women can be so fucking brutal with each other, glad I’m not one” and move on with their day.

Shaw is also accused of giving writing assignments to assistants and then denying them credit or compensation for their work

I suspect the large turnover in staff has resulted in a group that would rather ignore Dunham than shit on her. “Lena Dunham is an asshole” isn’t news and continuing to give her attention isn’t the best way to respond to a narcissist.

“Now show em them titties” is an excellent segue for advertisements.

I love Samin Nosrat. The chapter on salt changed my (cooking) life.

Only if you can get Doris Day to show up for a tribute.

I didn’t mistake your comment for cheerleading the Chiefs/NFL, just think you’re being overly optimistic.