
I wonder what Amelia Earhart would think about the insane amount of time and money that’s been poured into discovering the exact circumstances of her demise. Probably that it is foolish and that there are far better questions to answer and unknowns to explore than one adventurous woman’s death decades ago.

I don’t find a cartoon penis to be offensive. No.

I am old.

Adam Miller? As in the first permanent settler in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia Adam Miller?

You should probably dump your GF

Fucking white people. Kill them all!

Halloween rolls around every year and you just wonder which clueless white semi-celebrity will be stupid enough to wear blackface or something similarly offensive. It never fails.

A tie and some unprovoked hooliganism instantly made American football popular in England.

Serious question, is there a reason they wouldn’t set up the sac fly on those lead off doubles, especially the second time around? I can see the first one but I thought the second time was a terrible management decision. You’ve got one run in the last 21 innings, might be time to bunt the guy over to third at that

All the reasonable fans aren’t the ones who, “paid tens of thousands of dollars to watch their team lose” though ;)

Unlike your team, the Cubs will probably get another crack at it.

True Cubs fans know that getting to the World Series is a thrill in and of itself. Losing hurts, but getting there has been a roller coaster that’s more than worth the price of admission.

And yet the Sox will still be the fifth most popular franchise in Chicago.

Honestly, the fuck happened to the Cubs? I didn’t expect them to win it all but I expected them to put up a fight.

This is unreal man

Yup Cubs pretty much a done deal, only six teams have ever came back from a 3-1 deficit

But transwomen aren’t men. They’re women with atypical genitals and secondary sex characteristics. In fact, you could regard them as suffering a hormonal disorder that makes them look like men.

“dumb enough to call herself a witch”

Thank you. ONE sane comment in a sea of “yeah trans rights!” nonsense. Men who “feel” like women are, as usual, entitled jackasses.

There are some very very valid reasons for not wanting men in women’s bathrooms because they “feel” like women. Men commit most of the violence against women for one. So strange how the Jezebel robot community is 100 percent for anything that erases women’s identities, autonomy, and space. Someday we will look back on