You’re right, it’s just you against the world.
Refresh, darlin’, I fixed my typo less than 30 seconds after I posted. As if that would have made what I said any less true.
You’re the one who puts it out there, darlin’. Maybe one of these days you’ll realize that you’re the common denominator.
Every post you make gives a clearer picture of the trainwreck that is your life.
Addiction isn’t a lifestyle you choose.
This isn’t the first time she’s done something racist.
Amy Schumer shows how hard it is to stop having a career when you are a Jewish American Princess.
We tried that. Didn’t work out so well, Ms. Nation.
This was a tall glass to swallow.
Well...I guess this is one of those topics that separates the casual limousine liberals from the everything-optional “shame is but an artificial construct and doesn’t exist outside of the human condition” liberal. I guess I found out where on that broad spectrum I stand today...
Look, I know we’re supposed to warmly accept everybody these days without asking questions or showing the faintest hint of confusion or disgust... but come on, man.
Sometimes, I feel like we need more genuine hardship in this world to focus us, as a species, on more important things.
I have zero problem with call Schumer out for the fraud that she is. Her career has become even a series of publicity stunts because she’s not that funny and not that creative. She’s been packaged as a feminist to further her career, but she’s really an annoying insecure Cool Girl who talks about all the guys she…
Just a btw for you, anytime anyone ends their conment the way you did, automatically dismissive and pretending to be so above it all, as if any other opinion is not nearly as enlightened as your own, it just kinda makes you look weak like you can’t handle debate or hearing other opinions. Not a good look.
I am very fun at parties because I drink more than every woman in attendance, probably combined.
Men can drink more than women. It’s science and not debatable.
Hahahah THIS is the problem you had with his work? That you think people are “saved,” let alone by this dreck, says a lot about you.
I once found a chick tract in a box of car wax about the sin of vanity. It showed a man who was very proud of his nice, shiny car dying and going to hell.
The trough urinals below the bleachers are the last straw. Stagefright is a bitch.