Jabba the slut

You’ve added so much to the conversation.

What do you mean “who cares?” Are you actually that stupid? Are you saying if you spent months working on something and someone else took credit for it you wouldn’t care?

I’m sure if you went into any of these games and tried to do that you wouldn’t get anywhere near this.

Instead of doing the same thing every time you could try countering him for once. Imagine that.

That’s perfect! /s

Because it went up from 4%, which came from 3%, which ascended from 2%. I don’t know how you count, but most people add one to the preceding number.

*Innocent picture of someone doing something completely normal* *Dramatically zooms in on face with some cheesy one liner*

Didn’t even mention the Joker’s psychology. Whoever wrote this has no idea how to write an actual article. “The good guy wants the good thing to happen, but the bad guy wants bad things to happen.” No shit. Same thing goes for Dark Knight Rises, you don’t see people hailing Bane as the best villain in movie history.

Unless you plan on getting 1 mil XP in a day, you’re just being a stuck up bitch.

Ok let me just get your IP address and Ill be over at your house in a few days. You posted that comment on the internet, therefore you have no right to privacy.

You don’t understand sarcasm, do you?

You’re right. I don’t even understand why they needed to upgrade the graphics. PC gamers don’t want realistic graphics. In fact, they want the good old GTA San Andreas graphics. GTA 4 looks too much like a movie.

You’re expecting reviewers to review the game after it comes out and others to buy the game once those reviews are out a week after the game releases. Do you realize how stupid that is?

Did you even bother to look at the article title? Overwatch and Hearthstone servers were taken off. Learn to read.

Elephants are found on land. By your logic there should be an elephant in my back yard.

Lol. It’s funny when the uninformed try to argue something they know nothing about. Kat wasn’t illegal.

Those 20Hz tick rates really get to you in competitive.

They’re not giving a hero a whole ability just to take down Torb’s turret. That’s plain stupid.

So somehow having an external battery somehow saves your phone’s battery. It doesn’t add more to it after it has already drained, it saves battery somehow. “Getting a good pair of shoes to walk in” also saves battery according to this “article.”