Still think it’s funny what happened to Tay. Her responses are classic. I posted 2 funny pics of her responses in the last Tay article, here are 2 more. :)
Still think it’s funny what happened to Tay. Her responses are classic. I posted 2 funny pics of her responses in the last Tay article, here are 2 more. :)
Yeah, this feels like a high-pressured sales pitch from solicitors. “Buy now in the next 15 seconds or you’ll miss out on this great offer!” I’ll wait until I know more about the dlc, if the reactions are good I might buy it after then.
Yeah, this feels like a high-pressured sales pitch from solicitors. “Buy now in the next 15 seconds or you’ll miss…
In addition to crushing the blacks, they also muted the highlights. Look at the brow line highlights and the far side cheekbone highlight. It’s like someone went over it with a grey marker and removed all the image details there. At least in these screenshots anyways.
A Portal vs Halflife fight? I guess the only winner will be the one who reaches 3 points first I suppose.
nice what did you get
A friend tried to get me to play competitive TF2 because I was really good at TF2, and you know what I found out? Competitive TF2 is boring as fuck. It's a very paint by the numbers experience which eliminates the fun of really intense TF2 matches. The lineups are so ridged that you rarely encounter a moment where you…
I guess I see why they were suing for past royalties a a month or so ago.
That’s AWESOME. Although I would have been partial to a remake of the first Doom’s cover art.
Or just go with the original, which actually conveyed the excitement and “holy fuck this is scary”-intensity of the game.
If you still use your TV’s built-in speakers, drop whatever you’re doing right now and order this popular VIZIO…
That’s not a bad idea. You got it.