
Love smashing these on stage for crowd points after a high scoring session of FPS.

Love smashing these on stage for crowd points after a high scoring session of FPS.

Am I missing something? Is there a video I’m not seeing? There’s more to this story, right?

Here’s to wishing valve will throw a few bells and whistles at tf2.

Really lazy debs imho. Haven’t really released a new product in over a decade. Postal 3 was outsourced to Russians and disavowed by RWS, and their decision to release an expansion to Postal 2 on a 15 year old engine boggles the mind. And now a “remake” which I can only imagine will tout low quality assets made by

The show has flipped the Mobeus strip so many times that they’re overtly beating a dead horse. Mulder is a beaten sack of potatoes travelling woozily down dark roads, CSM is a charred figured who waves his hands and plot happens. None of it makes much sense anymore and at this point I can’t understand how these

And the exposed midriff. Dude’s aching to get sent home from school.

Yeah that original cover art is awesome. So much going on you really get the impression “get ready for hell!” As opposed to just yawn generic badass.

Didn’t like this ep. No sense of eery discovery, no suspense filled conflict. The “supernatural “ info points were revealed in stock footage Montage worthy of ed wood. The wild alien tech was dropped on us with a bizarre guided tour that would in previous seasons might involve more sense of danger. What was the plot

Steam and windows 10 or steam and windows 7+?