
Viva le difference! For better or worse there is a metric f-ton of content and the beauty is YOU can decide whether or not to watch it. While I’ve not been a fan of the slide show format, I appreciate this one for the myriad suggestions, about half of which I’ll probably enjoy.

Go see Cal, go see Cal, go see Cal.

My thinking on whether YouTube changed car culture for better or worse actually needled more towards worse after watching that video than when I just thought about the question before I watched it. There was so much focus on people and personalities. I really couldn’t name one YouTube car influencer except for Leno, I

We all know Erik will win that hands down.

Yes, Erik, let’s take every ‘65 GT-40 and ‘63 Ferrari GT Lusso and send ‘em straight to the crusher to make room for more distracted soccer moms driving Nissan Armadas on the road.

Is this the same guy that drove through the Midwest and acted like he was about to be brutally murdered at any time? 

Well, I’d have to agree, except that Erin’s take is even worse.

It’s Eric. I’m convinced the only reason he still has a job on the site is to stir people up with this incompetence and awful takes. 

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...true.  My (33) year old Miata just flipped one of it’s headlights up at you (person writing the quote above).

I feel like this was written by a 54 year old Karen who drives a white Acadia Denali and is the head of an HoA. Biggest load of complete and utter bullshit nonsense bait-ass post I’ve read on this site in some time. 

I mean, the problem with that logic is that their supposed pro-choice stance was basically to say “I’m pro-choice” and then run away when the creeps showed up at the clinic. They didn’t even fight for a second before giving in; and yeah, I know they’re controlled by a corporate board that doesn’t give a shit either

“Our position has always been that, once we are certified by the FDA, Walgreens plans to dispense Mifepristone in any jurisdiction where it is legally permissible to do so, including the state of California,” a Walgreens representative told Politico. “Walgreens is facing the same circumstances as all retail

Good to hear a Democratic governor is finally willing to stand up. So far Walgreens stock is down $3 from Newsom’s announcement. Once the more lucrative employee and large Medicare/ Medicaid contracts come up, the price will be driven lower. 

The GOP just showed they were willing to sever their ties with fucking Disney for their (im)moral “purity” crusade. If they are willing to turn on The Mouse, then other corporations have gotta be wondering what these mad dogs will do next if they don’t get their way. We’re all just trying to ride out the tide of crazy

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This song always hits hard - but also speaks a little bit to the freedom/escape we can get when behind the wheel. Maybe that impression (however brief) that you are in control, that you can drive away from the troubles.

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Not sad enough, but driving appropriate. I would rather...

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Gordon Lightfoot is the king of sad driving songs. The one that is probably the best - Carefree Highway.

In summary, is it still as bad as it used to

Is the CVT still an awful match to the droney boxer engine?