
“a clip which, in tandem with some peoples’ recoiling from the images, also invoked the sphere of white women’s historical complicity and collusion with white men in the oppression and subjugation of black people.”

Seriously. The fucking hand-wringing over BBHMM is absurd. It’s not like any of the imagery in and of itself is THAT different from stuff that’s been done before. Gaga/Beyonce in “Telephone” anyone? Oh but RIGHT, because it’s a woman of color perpetrating it against white people everyone starts clutching their pearls.

She wasn’t the only white feminist to get called out for blatant hypocrisy re: BBHMM. There was another who wrote a piece condemning the video that was then juxtaposed against an earlier piece defending Game of Thrones. If I can find the screenshots, I’ll post them here too.

God I love this picture so much. White feminists will go to the ends of the earth to defend problematic material that they like. Yet apply their most critical, steadfast and vigilant criticism to other people’s(minority) culture.

The most fascinating part is watching all these so called feminist slut shame Rihanna while claiming she’s anti-feminist for not caring about some chick who was enjoying the fruits of her labors.

it’s a music video, not a PSA

Helen Lewis is super annoying

Many white women criticizing this probbly had no problem LOVING Kill Bill and “omgz shes so badass” getting revenge by killing a shitton of women and men. People clearly see revenge narratives featuring white women differently from those featuring black women or women of colour (maybe not East Asian because of the

You kicked off the conversation with some racist nonsense and have the nerve to talk about having a feeling about this not being a productive conversation?

I thought I read that comment wrong, it was pretty racist wasn't it

Gawker did cover that story in their “Israel forgives itself for killing four boys” story.

Israel has the same slogan

So in your mind, a country that wants to eliminate an entire indigenous people is better than a country who believes in a religion where moderates shun, and hardlines kill, people for being born different?

Yeah. I’ve argued with him on another burner, it was followed by a couple of blogs (stupid long burner passwords and Internet resets)

I would love to visit any country where minorities don’t have to worry. And ride a unicorn

It’s disgusting. Yes, Palestine’s (and Middle Eastern Islam’s) relation to gay rights is problematic, but the whole “They’ll kill all the gays for existing!!!” shows ignorance and plays right into what Israel is trying to accomplish

Dancing on the bones of dead Palestinians.

Hope there are some non-sponsored dispatches coming out of this trip, too