
You’re absolutely right on that.

You are really reaching here. Man you white women circle the wagons to excuse one another’s fuckshit...

They show their tails at every possibility. So hilarious when WW call BW sexist...it’s like really bish?

This is so fucking true. I’m sorry to say, any time a white person does some fucked up, off the wall, monkeyball type shit, mental illness is thrown out as reasons for their fuckery and assholery. Meanwhile, plenty of people continue to demonize black and brown kids for doing kid shit.

Jonronson: “Now that we know she’s white, it’s time to roll out the benefit of the doubt.”

Her kind of not rare. There are plenty of white people who want to be minorities because they want to feel exotic. Their lives are so boring that they have to mimic other culture to put some spice in their life.

... but. she didn’t grow up facing discrimination or being held back because of her skin color.

Whatever you do, for christ’s sake, stop making this about mental illness with no proof whatsoever. You know you’re working to diminish her responsibility if you do that, you know it. As far as we know, she is an extraordinarily committed liar, and a very harmful one who subjected her own kids to faked hate crimes.

This story and the one earlier this week about those white women who started a fight with black girls then called the police, is just more reason why I don’t trust white women. I think it has come to a point where I see white women just as my enemy. They keep pulling anti-blackness Bs like this and using black

Bitches be cray.

“Political correctness” literally just means “not being racist/sexist,” but as an insult. Nothing more.

9 times out of 10 it’s straight white men who complain about political correctness. They hate that they live in a world where they can no longer make disparaging comments about people that are not like them without repercussion. They want the freedom to disrespect others but of course we have to respect them because

Nope. Success =/= merit. Adam Carolla is also a successful comedian and he’s easily one of the biggest assholes in the world who not only would agree that political correctness is killing comedy, but that other races are better than African Americans.

My understanding of PC= people generally respecting other people and taking other peoples perspective into consideration and really making an effort to try to understand and incorporate other peoples perspectives into one’s own worldview in an attempt to grow as a human being and have a more balanced and holistic

Shorter version of what he said: “people aren’t allowed to say whatever they want without being called out for their b.s. anymore.”

Lol, right. Amy Schumer is god and cannot in any way be critiqued. It’s fine she thinks Indian men smell and Latino’s are rapists.

But that skit doesn’t exist in a vacuum? She has loads of overt racist jokes, so I don’t give her a pass for intention on this one.

Nope. But you know...White feminists gotta feminist ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

But the point is white people are still getting laughs from being able to be racist and then go ‘but I am the racist LOL’. A black person should criticise racism, a white person should stop being racist. It is quite simple.

No that is literally hipster racism. Doing a racist joke and then being all ‘but I am the dumb ass for being racist *wink* *wink*. ‘