
This sounds interesting and I will watch it. I also got the book because as a woman in media my interest is pique.

OP is talking about the comments from Ball, Bennett, and Ellison which criticize any critique about their exclusion of discussing women of color and state that since Newsweek is a “mainstream” magazine it’s only natural to focus only on white women.

Well this is some bullshit. Same excuse as always, for everything:

ha. Good to know that the concerns of WOC are “infighting” cause you know white women are perfect and never racist and never self serving.

I read the email when it was originally making the rounds and I think this resignation business in absurd. Just extend a proper apology that acknowledges why it was shitty to still hold class when the students’ sense of safety was compromised. I don’t even like the dude and I don’t think he should resign or be fired.

This goes along with Nicholas Kristof’s tone deaf, astonmishingly stupid Op Ed yesterday- ‘freedom of speech’ is being curtailed on campus...when minorities, women and lgbt folks call out bs regarding their RIGHT TO BE.

The fuck? What kind of peak whiteness have you achieved that you’d rather lose your job than just... apologize for being an asshole? Did anyone ask for his resignation? Or did he just figure it would be easier to pick up, white privilege overflowing, and run away from those feral black kids to a new job far away that

We have school shootings every. other. week. These aren’t “bullies.” These are people making terrorist threats against a specific group of students. In a world where people do this kind of thing on a regular basis. I know that it’s only supposed to be scary terrorism if the people making the threats are Muslim and

Yup. This is a point that I’ve been making about this situation repeatedly. If this threatening climate were Islamic in origin, white people wouldn’t be so cavalier or “1st amendment” about this at all. Because they’d be at risk also, not just non-whites.

Taylor Swift is the epitome of white privilege and privilege in general. Not a fan.

Touching anyone’s anything without permission is rude. But this rude is extra entitled because the white people are laughing and they don’t even know what they have done. Or they do know and they don’t seem to care.

“I never understood white people who like touching people’s hair.” There - I fixed it.

Damn it Taylor. I was all impressed with your sincere apology to Nicki and now you’re PETTING BLACK PEOPLE?! And JOKING ABOUT IT?!? (Granted it sounds like the petting was before the Nicki thing but still.) Don’t fucking pet people. WTF is wrong with you?!


BBC host is Nick Grimshaw aka Grimmy. A massive wanker on radio 1 with a punchable voice. No wonder he says shit like this.

It’s a bit early for my afternoon nap.

The single unfunniest comedian working right now, and that appearance was a complete embarrassment for her.

I think it’s important to see Davidson’s perspective here. He heard about some random dipshit capitalizing on the event that killed his father, then responded emotionally. Then when that dipshit evidenced himself to be a full fledged human being capable of emotion, he rethought his stance and decided it’s best we not

Exactly. If anyone can have the moral high ground here, it’s Davidson and other 9/11 families.

I think this will be a very unpopular opinion. You’re allowed to be any way you want to be when you’re confronted with someone lying about being a part of the same tragedy that killed your parent when you were still a child.