The Turing test could easily be replaced with a Left Turning test. It’s about the most human thing we do.
The Turing test could easily be replaced with a Left Turning test. It’s about the most human thing we do.
Every piece of GMA’s media that names the car refers to it as a Supercar. Pulled this from your own article. It is very important to note the distinction, the intent of this car is to bookend the Supercar era. That is why it is non-forced induction, manual transmission, non-hybrid.
You should be able to see the tires on the car in front of you at a stop light...if you can see the tires you can see the signal.
No one buys the G70 because Hyundai. Yeah, they’re finally getting over the (now wholly undeserved) reputation for building shitboxes, but getting over the reputation for being cheap econoboxes is going to take a bit longer. Especially if Hyundai is not going to insist that Genesis dealerships actually act like luxury…
I couldn’t agree more with that. Enough with refreshes and redesigns that mostly messes up with grills, head and tail lights, fake vents and fake diffusers.
“No small towns have chargers and its not profitable enough for anyone to put one in. Might never be.”
If it doesn’t go 800 miles, charge in less than a second and cost $5, it just can't fit my lifestyle! /s
INB4 someone pops up to say that 400 mile range isnt good enough for their daily routine. Dino juice 4ever!!!!
I kind of hope they help break the cycle of needing a new version and body style every year personally. Design it right the first time and iterative improvements as you go seems fine to me.
This is actually a very fitting tribute to Enzo, a man who gave no fucks about phoning it in outside racing.
The most horrifying thing about this abomination is... I like it. I really do. The matte black doesn’t do it for me, but with an interesting paint job and a little chrome it could look pretty neat.
And this is why I - a software guy - am quite surprised where they got with that delay only.
I’ve worked with some car software before. It’s not quite aircraft grade but it has to be much better than regular commodity software, since people can die if your car stalls. Most of the time they have to work with relatively low power processors too.
Stanley Steamers had gasoline engines. They were external combustion true enough but were fueled by gasoline or kerosene.
It’s hard to say why he was suspended/fired - there’s just so many possible reasons!
Even the 911 has gone the way of the 928 at this point... Sure it might have the engine in the rear, but all regular non-GT3/R/ 911's nowadays are super cushy grand tourers more than they are sports cars. I mean, leather covered vents? That’s some 928 stuff right there.