The Final Days of Gawker Have Come

Imagine standing in line and the price wents from 10$ to 15$ for a burger menu while you wait. That is gonna piss people off.

I think what is being missed here is that I doubt there will be any way to access or view the current prices other than in the store itself. I think what they are largely counting on is that customers will a) not really pay attention to the price or notice the price changes regardless and b) will be unlikely to leave

There’s also no chance they will let that price go lower than what they want it to be. It will basically be the normal price or higher. No bloody chance it will go lower, regardless of the demand.

The fact that they are even implementing “surge pricing” is because they are the greediest motherfuckers. No chance they

I hope it doesn’t work, but there’s definitely cases where Wendy’s has a captive audience (drive-thrus in particular) and/or banking on people having limited time and deciding on the sunk cost of travel and I think it’s notably dastardly for this reason.

It’s very important to boycott Wendy’s, because if this system ends up working, you can be sure it will spread like wildfire through the fast food industry and beyond.

People keep including the “they can lower prices at times of lower demand” part but like they can do that by itself. I’ve seen a few places (most notably Sonic) have cheaper “happy hour” prices in the afternoon, usually 2pm until 4 or 5pm. And the great thing about this is that they advertise it, so you can actually

I try not to make predictions, but a fast food restaurant charging more at times when people are hungry and/or have time to eat sounds like a big mistake. 

Guess I’m not eating Wendy’s anymore.

Japanese devs in general understood the idea of ignoring social media. Switch off YT comments like they do in Japan too. I don’t know why western devs like talking so much online. Gamers are parasites, invite them in and they’ll ruin you.

This is where I’ve been at this entire fucking time. I would actively discourage anybody working on anything to interact with any community at this point and go back to letting PR handle it. It is a liability and a safety hazard at this point.

I honestly can’t think of anything that has been made better by having

Take a lesson from Fromsoft. They do not give a shit about fan communication. They do note issues the community is complaining about for patches but there’s almost never statements, and definitely no conversations. They do things their way and let the chips fall where they may.

i honestly think listening to the internet ruined the entire industry.

Sure, every community has vocal assholes, but it seems like “gamers” have taken that reality as a challenge and then went the wrong way with it. “Every community has assholes? Well then we’ll win by having the most, biggest, worst assholes! Assholes that shit on everything! We’ll win at assholes!”

For this game it seems like that people are mad that “official” support for them wont be happening for a while.  Its not the mods themselves but the fact that entitled gamers are mad a company said things take time.  Given how many game companies never offer support for mods at all, I would think they would be happy

I’m not sure I understand, as someone who mostly played on consoles most of his life and only recently got on PC - why the controversy about mod support?

Was he really iconic? I remember Miranda more. Keys was just a captain in the first game they named Keys cause you eventually had to go rips the ship’s keys out of his mutated head.

I keep telling you, Pierce is 81 years old and he’s dead

The cast was also often allowed to improv so it’s really not done until it’s done 

I didn’t get a Community notification for this??

It’s Dan Harmon working on a Community thing. The script won’t be “finished” until the thing’s shot and premiering. He and his writers room created some of the tightest episodes in sitcom history, but it’s a miracle that any of them were ever actually filmed, considering.