The Final Days of Gawker Have Come

I come from a family where unknown/secret children and spouses have appeared at funerals on multiple occasions, to the point my family can’t remember which was which.

Oh yeah. Even a few years delay in those first 3 or 4 books could have really killed the momentum. 

Anecdotally people hate her. My older “liberal” relatives can’t name their own Senators or know who Mitch McConnel is but they consistently chime in that “they just don’t like her”.

Well, Bidens been fairly adamant that nothing should be done to neuter the court, let alone overturn their disastrous and inherently harmful rulings.

Hrmmmm. Probably not the word I wanted. 

Harry potter is still extremely taboo among the frothering Christians, so that would probably be dicey from a producer standpoint.

I so vividly recall 6th grade when another student brought in the first book as a sharing thing and multiple kids and the teacher were utterly blown away.

Hate is a high, as addictive as any other.

Terf juice isn’t just addictive, it’s terminal.

Not really a choice.

The man has 100x the goodwill JK had before she came down with terminal terf brain, she is once again picking a fight she cannot win

Relevant anecdote -

Man Snooki is the reference point. Should have seen thst earlier.

No way. Trump was a widely mocked figure for his business failings, mob ties and vile personality for decades before the apprentice came on the air.

You can grab both DC and Marvel comic books as early as the 80s where the figure /personality of Donald Trump is used openly as shorthand for “pathetic businessman, cruel incompetence”. Even in the late 90s, before his show came on the air, I recall a web comic that had Trump viciously attacking a child’s lemonade

If you were from NYC, you knew.

Dont forget how much cash Zuckerburg and FB have spent to lobby for this. More than the net wort of the average start up.

It’s so obvious that this entire affair is motivated by politics and bribery.

What past? They took everything more than a couple expansions old offline.

Id be all about this if I hadn’t decided to wait for all the DLC and replay AW2 on hard mode (final cut? Whatever they call it).