
Of course it would never happen in NASCAR... There are not right turns 

Dude to be ahead the nose of the other car cannot be in the middle of yours...if the nose already reached the middle of your car you must leave space, verstappen didn't and they were next to each other

So much mental issues in the comments lol... Please get help.. or better get aborted

You need to understand human mind, if they say is less and is actually more, people feel happy, if they say is more but in reality is less they will bitch.. 

They sound good, the problem is with people that want any v engine... 6 10 or v12 to sound like a big block murican v8 from a truck.. 

Stock Ae86??? If not.. STFU

They have races in the US... Don't see you crying about it..

Lol, same challenge? You make it sound like is very easy, have you heard that f1 drivers have to be extremely fit and they lose 7 to 10 pounds during a race? Please stop pretending driving f1 is like photography and sex doesnt matter

If you re not going to be revving this thing in a track to then limit the horse power increase is unnoticeable.. daily driving commuting etc.. unnoticeable

I cannot comprehend what’s wrong with the engine sound, is really good.. Jesus, v8 fans make me sick.. why is 2 cylinder short of being a great sounding engine?? I could say the same about v8, they’re 4 cylinder short of being a great sounding v12 but is pointless, more cylinder does not mean great sound.. the

Gving kimi a tow in Italy and not telling him to move for Seb at the start says quite the contrary

This is what happens when they block VPN and smartDNS, up the price, put crappy content and start testing ways to screw people up like the ultra plan that has hdr and 4 screen at the same time for 20 dollars, while removing hdr and 2 screen from the premium that is 12+usd..

The cages were full and with separated kids when Obama was on power.. stop being ignorants on what was happening during Obama, in Latin America Obama is known as the “El presidente deportador” the president who has deported more people during a period.. stop the double standard.. stop pointing fingers at the new guy

This is so stupid, modern cars are too quiet unless they’re diesel cars.. you only hear the tires... But people want to make a storm in a glass of water because of the electric motor being quiet... They still have tires.. their not floating..

Good thing that you have a cat... You should get more... You gonna need them

So..am I the father? Yes or not?

BBBut hey .. she’s a woman so she’s badass... While silly got his ass sued for making a harder manoeuvre possible.. cuz white male patriarchy.. you know

Comentarist are like dead.. Croft maybe a biased idiot but he put emotion to f1.. I would fall sleep if those guys narrated f1..

Shouldn’t hulk be criticizing Merkel for turning the country into germanyskistan

Not if you’re into car simulation.. Like me.. Only need the vr and my racing wheel..