The torque steer of the 2nd gen TL-S was legendarily bad.
The torque steer of the 2nd gen TL-S was legendarily bad.
Does the new defender look like a modern 1st gen discovery to anybody else.
Ford is strip teasing the bronco. Next week it’ll be a turn signal.
This seems like a natural progression for Toyota. Most manufactures are offering AWD on their sedans.
I think there is a lot to be said about buying a turnkey travel van. $20k seems high but the craftsmanship looks well done and it appears to have everything you need. You could buy the van and do it yourself but most peoples wouldn’t look this well done. You could start vlogging tomorrow.
I have a 2019 highlander and I couldn’t agree more on the steering. It’s hard to describe but something just feels off.
Does it come standard with one day time running light burnt out or is that extra.
Longest commute in distance was 120 miles round trip but it was all back roads so it was actually kind of nice. Now I commute 50 miles round trip to Atlanta...Less than half the distance but it still takes an hour each way. Atlanta traffic is horrible.
Always thought it was funny that he only had liability insurance. Also pretty sure that’s a 2500/3500. Has a V10 badge.
I had one with the 4 cylinder. Pretty quick. V6 would be ideal.
Isn’t this the same plot as American Made.
I work from home most days but I’m still required to come into the office 1 day a week. It’s a 120 mile round trip but it’s only once a week.
$3000 for a running 4x4 truck with a camper slide in. Not seeing much to complain about here. Rust is an issue but for that price you would expect to have to fix some issues.
We have a few drive in car washes with the wand near me. The only people that use those are guys washing mud or construction debris off their trucks. Great just to hose something off but I would never wash my whole car there.
The golden eagle is seriously cool. I’m sure it has more rust hiding below the surface but that thing deserves some loving.
Even a base 2 door costs nearly $30,000.
That bad wheel looks like he got booted. Looks awful
So Chrysler really likes special editions?
I owned a CTS wagon for a while. It’s wasnt the V but it was still a very enjoyable car to drive. Pratical as hell and loved the styling.