
@Calchas0101: It's just like sex. Would you prefer virtual sex or hear the person next to you screaming and sweating because you're owning him/her?

I saw the Kijiji ad yesterday with 500 hits, now it's 1000 hits. The person selling that "thing" has to be pretty happy.

@tankman: Wow, what a beauty. I google'd a bit for more info about that car and if it's really a '54, the exterior design looks ahead of its time, way ahead.


This looks like "What if Batman went to SEMA?"

@cfive3: Because she swallows, right?

@stalin23: Well, at Jalopnik they get jiggy with cars. So basically is the circle of life.

@Quattro-luvr: Excellent choice, if you die in an accident, no need to go to the hospital. Straight to the grave!!

@skrooloose: Kinda nice, you can make all kind of tribal designs and shit that adds horsepower to the paint. Then when the rain comes is time for a fresh new look.

@Johnny Neat: Because they're making fun of the TV series CSI with their New York, Vegas and Miami spin offs.

@skaycog: That car made me remember the Copperhead concept. #qotd

Man it looks unbelievable, maybe afxwinter is Mr. Walken's GamerTag. Only Mr. Walken could have made an awesome self portrait. #forza3

@rebeldevil: Nothing that a little love, a mechanic and a car wash doesn't fix. That poor little Honda seems like one of those stray dogs in the pound trying to get adopted, he even keeps smiling. But everyone wants a Golden Retriever... #1978

And people still think that cellphones are not a distraction, now a pelican is the scapegoat. #bugattiveyron

@lolgreg: Serves him right for shitty music and being a pirate. Good riddance. One down, two to go. #modernwarfare2