
@Eastwing: The saddest thing about the pets is half of the profits of only the stupid panda will go to Make a Wish for only two months. Come one, it's only two months give them the full profits. #worldofwarcraft

@bugattatra: I raise my glass of Jalopnik Special Blend to you my friend. Cheers!

hmm... it's like watching torture porn. #carcrashes

@Neocorey: So basically it's true. I estimate 14 heads of the guy closer to that picture. Wow, she's a hot scary ass freak show. #bayonetta

I really dig the jet fighter look, better than the M1 concept. Makes me wanna be rich, train martial arts then kick some serious criminal butts and get laid with the ladies. #conceptcars

Why? Of all the cars, why this one?

That car is asking for some sweet dragon love on its fast back.

Nice ride, next thing you know, VW Bus Condo Conversion.

@Flagrant German Fanboy: Why? This world is full of crazy people anything could happen to you and some people feel threatened by unknown people knowing some of your personal stuff and I don't see how this way of marketing is making me buy a new car.

@PoweredByHentai: What's wrong with the picture? I know there's a guy apparently like Rommel, swastikas over the beds, creepy looking nurses and a guy with the looks of "Hey... How youu doin'? " Nope, nothing wrong with that pic.