
Then there's the economist that Al Bartlett talks about who said that when we run out of copper we can just make it out of other substances.

There IS a civil liberties issue if the resident feels compelled to allow them in. It's true that they have the right to decline the search, but many people do not know that.

'Cause that's what this country needs: more defiantly ignorant fools.

So, instead of acknowledging that things are bad enough that everyone who isn't an investment banker or CEO is hurting, you dump on the guy?

The first task I would use it for would be to clean out my shorts, cause if I was up in that thing, that would be my first task.

If the yellowing is the result of the flame-retardant ingredient bromine breaking down, is the yellowed plastic more flammable now than it was before its color changed?

No one ever said there wasn't enough land for people to stand on. However we are reaching a population level that the earth's resources, chiefly food and power cannot sustain.

No I don't remember that at all. I remember Obama dedicating billions in infrastructure investment in the $40B stimulus package and Republicans clawing a bunch of that money back in budget concessions some months ago.


Printing from the negative doesn't necessarily give you an equivalent outcome: often the photographer manipulates the print via dodging and burning and other techniques. I've heard that Ansel Adams worked on the same negative for several years before getting what he wanted.

@desterado: Yes people ARE ignorant and don't realize that the 4th Amendment protections against illegal searches don't apply if you freely relinquish your rights by agreeing to permit the Police to search. But that is the case: you don't have to consent in the absence of probable cause, but if you do, the Supreme

In "The Great Escape" (and the real life POW break it chronicled) they had to figure out how to get rid of the dirt without attracting attention.

Silly flight attendant, cellphones don't cause interference —Kyle told me so!

One small complaint on an otherwise interesting article: the use of the term "hauled" seems, to me at least, coarse and inappropriate. Refuse is hauled. The remains of identifiable people, especially those of Presidents, are conveyed, transported, delivered, etc.

This reminds me of a case 10 or 20 years ago where a guy who couldn't afford an appendectomy planned it all out, did it himself, then called EMS to take him to the hospital for post-operative observation.

My comment is late to the party, just having seen this for the first time, but if you see egregious driving make a habit of getting the license plate and calling it in.

@Yoeun Pen: You really think obese people are obsessing over pure foods and cutting out specific foods (broccoli not withstanding)?

Woops, too fast on the keyboard. Let's try this again:

There's a stretch of expressway in Houston that runs in, what is essentially, a trough, allowing surface streets of the long-established neighborhood it traverses to pass over the expressway.