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    I went to SF this year for a few days and we passed a couple Waymos each day.  I don’t think I ever saw a passenger in them though.  It’s not clear to me why she gave up and got her own car vs. jumping in an Uber since they’re everywhere in SF.  We took them all over the city.

    Well, then they aren’t Nostradamus since he didn’t predict anything right.  Just a lot of wishful thinking and misinterpreting his vague quatrains by others.

    You’re not wrong but he is sort of top of the heap as an outspoken asshole.

    Depends on the day.  Some days he still is.

    Hey, I have an idea. Let’s take an old technology, pick the worst aspects of it, and create something new that has those features.

    Yeah, my list was sorted by most impactful to least so I tend to agree. I think Disney still values the idea of the vault but it’s not their biggest driver.

    Exactly.  Siphon or even a cheap pump.

    A few reasons:

    I wish people would quit blowing smoke up his ass.  He’s not very smart and knows little about successfully running a business.  He’s demonstrated countless times that the more hands-off he is, the better things run.  Everything he does is a childish whim or a guess and most don’t work out very well for him.

    If you believe that only happened in the past then that’s a mighty big rock you’re living under.

    As has been said countless times, this is not about the bike.  This is about how she behaved.  She expected people to automatically side with her and used her stupid tactics to make her look like the victim and him like the aggressor.  That’s shitty in any situation but more so when it’s a black man and you’re a white

    I would have expected some statistics to back up why they’re the most likely to kill you.  Otherwise, it’s just a list of things that could/might kill you which could be anything.

    Haven’t you just described every Lego build?

    Well, in the case of Texas in general, and Abbott in particular, it’s clear that he’s not trying at all to encourage people to switch to EVs.

    So we’re just going to look past the whole violence and abuse thing, huh?

    Seriously. She points and screams at everyone, calls people liar to their face, and harasses them on the street.

    Any statement that begins “fuck that” is probably not achieving the goal of etiquette.

    Agreed, as long as you place your annoyance at the guilty party - the parent.  If this is happening, they haven’t been doing their job.

    Number 2: The baby can’t control themself but you sure as shit can so shut up and quit muttering.

    This actually bothers you? As in you actually witness it enough that it’s your pet peeve? I’m sure compliance isn’t great but I couldn’t definitively say I know if people are doing it or not.  And like others mentioned, I haven’t heard of one issue ever or anything credible about this being a real problem.