
Sage Steele is being paid by ESPN to STFU and sit out her contract, and she dumps on black men every chance.

Put it this way. Imagine if someone decides they want to harass you – maybe you had an argument with them on Twitter, maybe it’s someone who knows you in real life and dislikes you, maybe it’s just a random stranger who just wants to fuck with somebody.

Sorry, but...

They’ve started including landmark notifications but it’s not consistent.  I’ve heard a few “in 800 feet, turn right on X Street by the Jimmy John’s” a few times, but it’s pretty hit and miss so far.  I like it, tho, especially if there are a few possible turns close to each other and doing a lot of back-and-forth

I’d also like to mention the trend with Manufacturers and dealerships:

Dealership: Orders everything in black, white, and gray. Pushes sales on the cars they have in stock.
Manufacturer: *arms up in the air* Hmmm, I guess people don’t want to buy colorful cars, let’s stop offering colorful cars.

Raises Hand. I DO! I DO! I DO!!!!!

Weird. Normal people don’t want to buy a $50k car with 7% interest rates, tech that’s outdated faster than a modern smartphone, a business model that’s constantly pushing microservices, and tracks all your movements with no way to opt out or find out where that information is going?

I guess all journalists should check in with you first to determine what questions their article should answer.

I’d listen to your wife. She seems like a very smart woman. 

I’ve often wondered “is there some way I can wind back the benefits of 30 years of technology and use an inferior product without getting any actual benefits?”

If you don’t want people to try and push you out of the equation, actually add some value. Most car dealers in this country add nothing to the car buying process but hassle and cost.

It isn’t...if Candace highlighted the times this sort of scenario played between the era of Emmit Till and the present, she’d be typing into next week...

Worked fine for me; autologged me in after I downloaded the new app on my AppleTV. Anecdotal evidence FTW!

I log in once in a while to see what Stephen King and Nihilist Arby’s are saying, but that’s about it.

What a foolproof system, obviously from the mind of a Business Genius.

‘stupid petty’ - i think that sums up the texas legislature pretty aptly. Same group is trying to force banks and investors and other companies to do business with oil companies as well.

If it’s just as bad...then say it.

Middle schooler. Huh. Wonder where he got the idea. Probably just pulled the whole get-up out of his parent’s closet. They weren’t going to need it until next week any way. 

You are the reason more people want to stay home and not babysit people who can’t make friends outside of the office. 

1) It isn’t up to your coworkers to be your friends.  Make friends in other ways. 2) It’s still very, very easy to have a connected, collaborative environment remotely.  I built an entirely new team during the quarantine and using the tools available ensured they had a robust team culture and were able to feel very