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    I’ve bought and sold houses a few times and this was never asked or answered on any disclosure form I saw.

    What a weird take. Now translate that into lost buggy-whip sales.

    This is exactly the sort of thing a grand jury can help with.  You bring a case to a grand jury, you read the definitions of the possible charges and see how they vote and use that to inform the actual charges.  Wasn’t there  grand jury hearing on this?

    Add MCO to the mix. That airport, and its recent expansion, exist largely because of Disney. It would be a shell of its current self if they left.

    Thanks. I had a hard time with their 10x error.

    So, in summary, stop spreading rumors but here is a list of rumors, right?

    Every time I’ve compared, Hertz was always the most expensive option.  I never saw the appeal and their latest behavior would keep me from renting from them anyway.

    Good, because that’s exactly what it is.

    This will also be handled by AI, eventually.

    More proof that the best thing Elon can do is keep his hands off things.  He thinks he knows best and he really doesn’t.

    Ok, I get it.  Rushed the answer and thought it was obvious but messed up.  Thanks!

    When I scrolled quick and saw Human Condition I thought you were saying Human Centipede which hits very differently.

    1. $0.10

    I just don’t get what problem this is intended to solve. I’d be very surprised if they have any objective data that says they’re losing a significant number of accounts due to account sharing.

    She literally auditioned next to her dad, so no.

    Came here for this.  Wasn’t disappointed.

    Did ChatGPT write this article or did you intentionally repeat an entire paragraph?

    I really love the series. I was introduced to it on a long flight back from Shanghai to NY. It was a work trip and I had a business class cabin but still don’t sleep great on flights so I slept a little, watched John Wick, slept again, John Wick 2, etc. It was a helluva ride home.  I’ve re-watched them 4 times since

    Silicon Valley, “It’s post-covid, we’re back to normal, come back to your offices.  Oh, and we’re cutting all of the things that were attractive about your office space.”

    Not if they’re imaginary and don’t exist.  In that case, they can do anything you can think of.