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    Agreed but the system is literally setup to generate revenue.

    And then you contest and they offer you a plea deal of a non-moving violation with zero points but $150 in administration fees.  There’s still a racket going on in a lot of instances.

    Easily available to the public is a bit of a reach but it should be.  This article is newsworthy because you know this is not how it would typically go down.

    This is actually why they’re called the mother sauces.  So many other sauces come from them.

    It’s so far from seamless, even though we’ve been doing it forever. Last week I went to setup a meeting with Europe for this week and the calendar systems wouldn’t handle it correctly since our time was changing this past weekend and theirs wasn’t. I had to wait to Sunday for the meeting to send properly. It’s just a

    I haven’t owned a minivan in years and don’t plan to.  I’ve never owned a VW and don’t plan to.  That said, this has my attention.

    How much of a thing is the digital divide at this point, though? I know it’s expensive to have the latest tech but do that many not have any sort of phone just due to affordability?

    Yeah, the quandary always seemed a bit weak.  On the one hand, Ellie really wants her life and what she’d been through to be “for” something so I really believe she would have willingly given her life.  On the other hand, it all feels very iffy that they’ll be able to succeed in finding a cure with one immune person

    Others have said this but Marlene could have been 100% honest with Ellie and she probably would have been willing but then you wouldn’t have the show you do.

    Or, if you’ve played the game then you know this is true.

    I think this is more of a timing thing.  In the game, you know you have infinite time to complete missions so Joel is slow and careful.  In a show, he knows he has limited time to get to Ellie before it’s too late so he needs to move fast and be more rash.

    Cleveland police you say? Shocking. It’s not like there haven’t been several articles and even a series of podcasts, etc. about them already.

    And, for what it’s worth, you can ask subsequent questions such as, is this based on an existing game? is this completely new an unique compared to anything that exists? There are follow up questions you would ask a person who claims to invent something that you can also ask ChatGPT. Those answers would be interesting.

    And, as a counterpoint, I had no idea this show existing, much less for that many seasons. Admittedly I don’t watch OTA TV at all and only stream the shows I care about and search for new ones periodically.  Talk shows would not be a genre I look for.

    For this reason we did a pet-friendly AirBnB.  We had a house with a yard and it felt very normal for out pet and us.

    Reading comprehension isn’t strong with you so I’ll keep it simple. The argument isn’t that they had a different opinion. It’s that they had the same opinion but lied their asses off and slandered Dominion in doing so in the name of “good television”.

    A lot of these studies seem to miss the whole correlation vs. causation thing though.  Will I be healthier if I sleep better or do I sleep better because I’m healthier?

    Which shows he doesn’t even understand the supply chain since there is a big difference between how much cobalt there exists on Earth and where it is actively being mined.

    Person shoots their mouth off and makes money.  Person decides they’re infallible and every dumb idea they have is worth hearing.  These two and plenty of others fit that mold.

    Meanwhile on Twitter, he’s now claiming the media took him out of context and they’re not sharing the full text of what he said... as if that’s better.