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    Can somebody please explain basic statistics to people that want to share this report like it says something earth-shattering?  A finding with low confidence is not a finding.

    That’s what she said.

    Yeah, but then they dumb it down to useless. When Apple CarPlay is an upgrade feature this many years later, it drives me nuts.

    I’m with you but my wife would be in firm disagreement so it’s a very personal thing.

    Yeah, I’d say there are a lot of variables here. When I was younger and building my resume and contacts and was more social, I think I benefitted more from face-to-face and interaction. As I get older and more focused on results and prioritizing my time outside of work, I prefer more days at home and less in the

    Spitting out a stupid idea and acting on it without any consideration is basically Musk’s middle name so it’s not so shocking.

    It’s a bit old now compared to most of this list but the one that stuck with me was Andy Jr’s death on NYPD Blue.  To watch what it did to Andy Sr. shook me to the core.

    To be clear, rotating desk assignments is not the same as sharing a desk.  I work from home 3-4 days per week and go into an office where I dock my laptop and have 2 monitors.  I don’t have any paper files and don’t use the phone in the office ever since I can do that on my PC.  If you told me somebody would be using

    This seems rather intuitive and I can see it taking hold in UK and EU. I see it being much more of an uphill battle in the US where long hours are still viewed with reverence by a lot of people/companies.

    Yes and no. A new kid in town would definitely catch the attention of other kids. Probably doesn’t happen very often. And Ellie already is carrying herself a little differently from a normal, sheltered kid so she’d stand out.

    And it’d be one thing if there was nobody else to take Ellie but to say he needs to go with his brother would be the end of that marriage.

    The list of most affordable cities because nobody wants to move to them.

    In Soviet Russia you don’t sue the game, the game sues you!

    He reminds us daily so it’s sort of hard to forget, but I agree.

    I’m on my second 27" iMac and my current one runs great for at least a few more years for my needs. I have no interest in anything with a smaller monitor so either they come out with a larger iMac by then or I’ll need to go the Mac Mini route. As it is, I already have an M1 mini that I remote desktop to so it wouldn’t

    When I grew up, everyone smoked and nobody wore seat belts. I don’t have a family member that died of either but I know others weren’t so lucky.

    Actually the GOP position is that whatever the Dems or POTUS is doing is wrong and we need to freak the fuck out about it.

    Exactly. It’s amazing how many people want to complain about Chinese quality when they’re delivering exactly what their customer asked for, the bare minimum at the cheapest price.

    Red light cameras are BS and create as many problems as they solve. They do not promote safer driving and there are studies to back this. In my city they removed all of the red light cameras when they realized they generated little revenue (which was really what it was all about... revenue for the camera company and

    The party of free speech. /s