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    Nice, descriptions could also be swapped and still be correct.

    Is this key actually something people asked for?  Is there a strong use case?  I just don’t see it.

    Yeah, we want people to pull themselves up but not with communist bootstraps.

    A neighbor’s girlfriend would pull up across the street in her black T-top with beige interior and gold chicken on the hood and I couldn’t decide if she or the car were more beautiful.  This would’ve been a year or two after Smokey and the Bandit and I was still a young teen.  What memories.

    Or work on speakers to spit out that loud rumble and vibration they get off on. I think it’s that more than the electric vs. gas engine.

    That thing looks like it’s missing a periscope.

    I loved the first episode. Even though I’ve played all of the games and knew what was coming, I felt a high amount of tension through the whole thing, anticipating what would come next and what might happen even though I mostly knew.

    If I had a nickel for every time I heard that... I’d have two nickels which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it happened twice.

    I’m having an issue with the arrive and leave home automations.  If I’m sitting at my desk in my home office, it’ll trigger I’m arriving and leaving multiple times in a day.  If go to the automation page, I can see my home location is slightly off center but, even worse, my current location seems to move around which

    Yeah, the camera sticking out and the body being a little slick to hold are my only real reasons for a simple case that support magsafe

    Same.  You have our attention now tell us what else we should see.  I’m excited to check out more.

    I will continue to watch the majority of my movies in my home theater and even on a tablet but there are always a few I look forward to at the theater. This one is probably theater-worthy for me but I also haven’t rushed out to see it so I guess we’ll see.  Just saw RRR on my tablet last night and I could see the

    Buying a ticket is not the true measure though. I saw Black Panther: Wakanda Forever in 3D but I was selective about what time I could see it, not the format I saw it in.  Given the option, I would not have opted for 3D and I’m guessing I’m not completely unique.  What the theaters offer and when are going to skew

    No. Any lessons they learned were more about Covid than anything else. That screwed up release dates, release order and losing theater revenue. Otherwise, they’d still be cranking them out.

    I love the idea of these but the linens have to be expensive and hard to machine wash.

    Honda briefly had an electric Fit and I was interested in it, assuming it’d stick around for more than one year and they’d improve range etc.  I generally prefer sedans while the wife prefers SUVs but the Fit was a fair compromise since it can lug quite a bit when you need to and that’s really what she wants.  If I

    It’s been literally the same exact result so many times in a row. Not sure what he’s expecting to change other than wearing people down. He gained a couple votes in round 12 but it won’t amount to anything.

    If they’re all alive and conscious and can give their version of events, that might explain a lot.  He may have said things or made his intentions very clear to them and they can recount it.

    There are actually many of these billionaires. The irony is you don’t notice them because you never hear from them.

    You see how he’s running his companies and you think he should be raising kids?