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    Step 1: Use grammatically correct titles

    I actually have the sense to get over by the time I get to the end of the aisle.

    Counterpoint, if I don’t see oncoming traffic, I’m driving down the middle as it gives me another 1-2 seconds to react to some asshat pulling out of their spot quickly without bothering to see I’m driving down the aisle.

    I agree with this in general but will make an exception if the weather is particularly bad since they’re out in it and I’m sheltered in my car.

    Also, my worst meetings are generally not the ones I schedule.

    Where I live, which isn’t the sticks, no McDonald’s are open. That said, gas stations and major supermarkets are.

    If he’s not qualified to be CEO, how is he qualified to pick his successor?

    Especially while claiming to be a free speech advocate.

    People need to stop calling their wild ass guesses “theories”.

    It’d be interesting to see the prior few years as well as I suspect that 2020 was a record low since people weren’t out in bars drinking so it wouldn’t be at all surprising that even going back to 2018, 2019 levels would be a record increase over 2020.

    I cannot fucking stand the guy.  If I lived in his state, I would fell 10 times worse and if I had to live in his house it would be literal hell.

    So, all devices in this space are an issue and Apple’s major fault is really that they are bigger and better connected than Tile not that they’re doing something less secure.

    I’m confused.  Is Tile somehow more secure and doesn’t lend itself to the same stalking issues?

    That’s why they’ll spend so damn much on union busting.  Anything to maintain the status quo.

    There should be consequences for the cop’s stupid actions, the judge for approving the warrant, and for the way the warrant was executed. There won’t be, and nothing will change, other than the fines, which she will win.  But the money will come from taxpayers so they won’t care about that either.

    As a ride, you are correct. And right next to it, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad is a relatively tame roller coaster. A lot of it is nostalgia from people that have been riding them for years. Also, Disney’s big thing is story-telling. If you take the time to look, a lot of thought goes into the details and the story

    Maybe you should go to any Disney-related page on Facebook that talks about this then. They constantly comment all over any articles like this.

    Seriously, he’ll say something stupid like he created Truth Social to move the ball and now that Twitter sees the light, he’s been successful, and can return.

    He broke Twitter rules but he certainly didn’t break his own rules which are basically whatever he feels like.

    Yeah, if you asked me 4 years ago, I would have said my next car will be electric and probably a Tesla. Now, I’m willing to wait a couple more years (not many) and it definitely will never be a Tesla. #1) I can’t give that asshat one dime in good conscience. #2) Build quality is not great #3) Price and pricing model