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    You mean Musk’s hope. It wasn’t much of a plan. Just watch a few episodes of Shark Tank and listen to the question that constantly comes up...”What sets you apart that the big companies won’t swoop in and copy and sell for less to take your market share away from you?”

    This is sort of a stupid metric.  It’s like saying there are more NY deaths than Rhode Island deaths.  No shit, since there are more people in NY.

    Yeah, I love when someone says I’m going to go get a coffee and then return with a caffeinated milkshake.

    Generally salty too.  Don’t forget all of the glorious salt.

    See also TFG.

    You also have a really good picture of how seriously they’re going to take this “investigation”.

    But not if they never wear a watch. I haven’t worn a watch in over 30 years and don’t really have any desire to start again now. Every now and then somebody who doesn’t know what to buy for me mentions a watch and I have to, as graciously as I can, say no thank you, I won’t wear it so please don’t.

    If they had anyone lined up for next, they wouldn’t have had to go back to Iger. That’s a huge signal that they didn’t feel good about handing it over to their current options.

    Plenty of others but, off the top of my head:

    I think the main point is, whether we like them or not, most people would leave their current job and look for other ways to spend their time, and yeah maybe that includes other forms of work or starting businesses etc.

    Both can be true.  I like my work quite a lot and probably don’t see myself retiring any time soon. That said, if I won that billion dollar lottery, I would have quit in a minute and found other ways to spend my time.

    In his case, it’s also a fairly intense workout regimen for a few months prior as well.

    Yeah, but the kids aren’t going to stay kids while he does that. If he values family time and wants to have a good relationship with his children for years to come when he’ll also need their care and patience, I totally get it.

    You touched on one of my favorite things about winter driving... seeing shitty drivers pay the price for their choices. I’m not looking for injuries, just some damage and inability to proceed, preferably in a high-visibility space like a median trench where everyone can bask in their stupidity.

    Like everything else, he’s full of shit and/or doesn’t know what he’s saying. I’d like to see this council at some point. Elon, we’ve decided A is the right approach. Elon: Nope, B. Done.

    Yeah, sorry.  First two is as far as I got.

    You gave him more credit than I could.  I could never get past his smugness.  He thinks he’s so damn smart and witty and he’s really just a [mediocre] comedian trying to be a pundit.

    The uncrewed spaceplane also carried a service module”...

    George Carlin also had a good bit on how the Earth will shake us off like a bad case of fleas. “The planet is fine... the people are fucked!”

    Yeah, just pointing out it wasn’t so secret and it was an interesting thing you might expect to be mentioned about such an aircraft.