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    1st Gear: Yeah, I would then argue that the Honda Civic is the king of luxury cars since we’re allowed to just put any car we want in that category and then crown it.

    A bit? Most people in the industry even call him one.

    My 20-year-old daughter has talked about them for a long time.  Yet, this is the first time I’ve ever seen a picture of them or seen them mentioned by anyone else.

    Yeah because we couldn’t possible think of other examples, such as politics.

    Have you seen comedians on a cruise ship?  Yes, I believe it’s that easy to get a gig.

    What did they even hope to accomplish?  This is a small handful of people not some mass migration.  It’s just beyond stupid, likely illegal, and they thought this would make them look good in the eyes of their constituency?

    Looks like the kid gave him the tiniest of pushes with his hand which didn’t even move him an inch and he shoved that kid like he was a rag doll. Way out of line! You’re a principal of elementary school kids and that’s how short of a fuse you have?  Shouldn’t have been in that job in the first place.

    Believe it or not, there are choices between do nothing and walk away and get into a full on fight.

    Yeah, life’s too short for a little discomfort.  Go enjoy your white privilege in peace and screw everyone else.

    I’m excited about Honda getting serious in the EV field.

    Hope to see it in the sky from my place.

    Also, McDonald’s ice is made to maximize surface area and contains sharper edges, preventing it from over-foaming and keeping it cooler longer. I think the fresher taste is also partly attributable to the fact that it’s mixed with the CO2 at the moment the dispenser starts filling the glass.

    Your existing lawn mower will be trash long before this comes to market.

    I truly admire the man. He also puts a smile on my face when I remember this:

    Hondas let you adjust the frequency of the intermittent wipers.  I like this quite a lot.

    Since this is basically the same story you wrote a month ago that somehow merits a re-run because you have a new picture... yeah, I’m tired of it.

    Sorry, not gonna watch your video.  Write about it or don’t waste your time.

    As opposed to Pennsylvania where all of the signs advertise fireworks, porn, and ice cream.

    I had a very similar experience with my wife’s (then high school girlfriend).  Ran shitty all the time.  One day the heater decided to fail and radiator fluid sprayed the inside of the windshield and soaked the floor.  Fun times.

    I only read the comments, since they weren’t a slideshow.  Hopefully I didn’t just give you a new, crappier idea.