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    As others are pointing out, it’s never been about whether you’re a Neil Young listener or not. It’s about Neil taking a stand, making a statement, and backing it up with his actions in the hope that other artists and listeners will follow suit and/or if Spotify is compelled to tweak their policies.  It seems clear

    How many rimes are you going to post this same “article” as new?

    How many rimes are you going to post this same “article” as new?

    He also had a pretty good legacy before he was president. Not a lot can say they lowered themselves into a failed, highly radioactive nuclear reactor to help clean up the aftermath.

    Agreed. I understand the idea that media sources should allow all speech due to freedom of speech but that isn’t correct and media outlets are businesses with external regulations and internal rules of conduct. Radio is subject to the FCCs rules on what can and can’t be said on air. Satellite radio isn’t subject to

    Yeah, that needs some word-smithing or I’d see a red flag on a question like that.

    Is somebody keeping a tab on all of the things that cause racist rants in “non-racist” people? I have: medication, alcohol, and now parental instinct.

    Ok, and how can they do that when nothing was communicated to them about an allergy? I feel for the kid since he has a pretty major allergy and an asshole father on top of that, but it’s on the customer to alert them to the allergy.

    I think the key point is they will give you cues if they are very uncomfortable. If they’re panting all the time then they could probably stand for it to be cooler.  If they aren’t sleeping soundly and getting up a bunch, maybe they’re too cool.

    And your point is what, exactly? That this is behavior others should copy? That you’ve been awfully lucky but that luck might run out? That you’ve been robbed 50 times and still haven’t learned? That you live in the magic land of no crime?

    Yeah, in my neighborhood cars are more likely to be broken into than houses since they’re quick and easy to gain entry and take what’s in them and the risk of encounter with a person is much lower. If you can lock it in the garage, it’s the better move. Also, it’s winter here - a car covered in snow when it hasn’t

    Chargers for your guests is one thing.  This proposes that chargers for people passing through is a brilliant idea but no idea how that appeals to the hotels or if they’d have any reason to allow you to park and loiter for free for a spell.  It seems like a big ask for the hotels who gain little while EVs are probably

    Before I even saw the reference I thought, “What are those Duke boys up to now!.

    Good ethics and good business shouldn’t be a choice.

    Still hoping for her to get axed.  I’m tired of any of the anti-vax nonsense.

    Right.  He’s not dumb, like people want to label him.  He knows he has an audience, he knows he’s driving their behavior.  Therefore he’s fairly complicit in what they’re doing, as much as he’d like to claim otherwise.

    I’m sorry but if you have a business that says the best business decision is unethical, then you have a shitty business, do not have my sympathies, and should shut the fuck down.

    And they already killed the Clarity.

    You must live in a nicer climate than me.  That would never work in the snow and ice.

    It sounds more like you’re just describing a compromise between energy savings and comfort. Obviously if you want to optimize energy savings, turn your furnace off and never use it. Many climates won’t feel comfortable though. If you want comfort, set it to where you feel most comfortable which will be different for

    In all seriousness how common/likely is it to be fighting off two viruses at the same time?  In a normal lifetime is this something we likely experienced or is it really uncommon?