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    It seems like a well-organized conspiracy designed to keep half the world from watching the Olympics.  That, or cable companies really have no clue of what streaming is and how to serve their customers.

    Thanks. I was told in elementary school that the USA would be switching to the metric system soon so this is helpful there, too. It’s been about 45 years so I’m guessing any day now.

    To be fair, we get tired of most forms of bullshit. Some of it happens to be wrapped around religion.  And most of my issues have far less to do with any religion and more to do with the people who think they have the only version of the truth.

    Your assumption about atheists and agnostics is about as good as anyone’s assumption of what it means to be Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, etc. It’s highly presumptive and derivative when the reality is that all have a wide range of beliefs, values, and ways of expressing them.

    Agreed and that’s what we do, too. I hate it when someone doesn’t pick up after their dog since they’re your responsibility. I’d probably say something but don’t think I’d have an outright confrontation about it unless it progressed to a regular thing where they’re outright doing it intentionally.

    Ok, that’s a little funny but you realize you were the bigger asshole in this story, right?  I’d assume you were bigger and they were smaller or maybe you just have a lot of rage but that’s still bully behavior.

    Obnoxious bass drives me nuts wherever I am - in a drive-thru, at a street light, anywhere.  We all like to play our music a little loud sometimes but that’s just asshole behavior.

    I’m sympathetic but there’s some give and take here. Our neighbors often entertain outside in the summer and have music and multiple people in the pool. If I’m grilling outside it’s fairly loud though not unpleasant and it’s also rare that they go much beyond 9pm. When I’m inside I don’t hear a thing. Not sure if I

    Enough people commented on two wrongs don’t make it right but I bristle at the automatic “feared for my safety.”  Bitch please you were in 0 danger and knew it.  It was open season for your racist ass.

    My thought exactly.  Let’s see what fine, upstanding people they are and how quick they fall in with the white supremacists in prison.

    RE: yardwork. How about a neighbor who runs their huge riding lawnmower for 4-6 hours a day every damn day spring, summer, and fall? I assure you I’m not exaggerating. Oops, some more leaves dropped, better mow my whole ass lawn again to mulch them even though the grass stopped growing weeks ago. A major leaf fall -

    Not sure if you’re trolling but the point they were making is that there was an increase in crime when usage went back up. More people, more crime. They could have said it more clearly. And of course, if it helps your narrative as a candidate to just say there’s more crime, then you conveniently ignore facts like

    Thanks.  I read this as to clean a fan you should... clean the fan.

    I also have never heard of it.

    I’m a huge Marvel fan and liked everything this year but especially Black Widow and Hawkeye. Liked them way more than I expected to.

    Remember when Apple articles had whatabout Android replies?  It was so sad and pathetic.

    He always has this look on his face like he’s thinking deeply while the world knows he’s a fucking moron.

    You mean sum bitch.

    You mean use the yellow weapon on yellow people and black on black.

    All local reports on this described the rescue as a life-saving attempt.  That she didn’t make it was discovered after they recovered her body.  The crash was around 11:50 am.  They flew a drone over the car and saw a body and sent rescue in.  It has since been reported that she drove into the water intentionally.