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    Coincidentally (or was it?), I just re-watched Interview 2 nights ago.

    Your comment is vapid and unnecessary. How’d that make you feel?

    The same reason I can guess your color by that comment.

    This sounds a lot like a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist. I’ve literally never had an attempted upsell at a hardware store unless you count the person at the register trying to push their company credit card (which was easily rectified with the addition of self checkout). If I want something decent I do my

    She’s been listed on the cast in IMDB since before episode 1.  She was listed on the cast on Disney+.  It’s been fucking obvious she’d be in it since Black Widow.  If you actually follow her Insta you’re a POS if you blow her in for saying something that she waited hours after the show aired.  MCU spoilers are out

    If you’re skipping MCU post credit scenes at this point then you’re probably not invested enough to care why or think that deeply about it.

    Cop Killer - Ice_T

    Keep in mind what’s true today was also not true just a few years ago.  We used to go to NYC every year and now it’s been a few.  4-5 years ago, Google Maps was far from the best app for navigating public transportation and I favored a couple of other maps.  And, tbh, in suburban western NY, I still favor Waze of

    Not sure what point you’re trying to make but you’re an ass. Does every single man need to be a threat to register that it might be fucking scary for women when they’re alone? I have sisters and daughters, and more importantly, some amount of empathy, so it doesn’t take much to see how they might experience the world

    Totally miss the cajun rice at Popeyes.

    While I’m very excited for the idea of self-driving cars and how that can ultimately transform everything about transportation, I think we’re almost as far away from that as flying cars.

    Not a huge fan but I think you’re really reaching to try to find another reason to cancel her.

    So, you’re perfect and have nothing to offer. Thanks for your contribution. Shitting on other people is a nice way to wear your badge of superiority, too.

    Just so I understand, Big Bird spoke in favor of getting a vaccine (which Cruz has done), not in favor of mandating it. And this made Cruz shit his pants??? So, by contract, does that means he’s advocating against Big Bird and people should not be vaccinated?  Or is this another example where he gets all emotional

    He was also toxic when it came out. I always had mixed feelings about that movie, largely due to the horrible male characters.

    Did you read the study? This model is based on replacing all methods of electricity generation with wind turbines and the impact it would have. This is also just an impact to the surface temperature of the US, not the whole climate due to drawing warmer are down (i.e. it’s moving heat around in the atmosphere, not

    Wow, how about showing us the data on that one? This is crazy-talk? You mean to tell me that an entire weather system that goes from the ground to several miles up can be disrupted by a handful of wind turbines that capture 1% of air movement?

    There’s a reason he looks like a Bond villain.

    Totally.  Every time he says something about how he has to look at every side of things very carefully, you can see the open hand coming out waiting for it to be filled with deciding-dollars.

    Like that isn’t exactly how things are already.