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    I would LOVE if they just started the movie with “Oh, she just died of some mysterious disease.”

    I’ve watched every MCU movie multiple times but if she stays connected to this, I think I’ll have to give it a pass. I have no more energy for these dumb asses.

    And someday they’ll find one of our cups that say, “Whaaaaaat’s Uuuuuuuupppp!”

    Which we now know is Facebook’s target audience since hate generates more clicks than likes.

    I wish they could better manage attention throughout the show.  My daughter will show me a clip.  I’ll laugh for the first two minutes of a skit which then continues on for 5 more interminable minutes as they beat the joke to death.

    For our family, watching anything “live” is rare. We time-shift everything so I don’t even know how they’re going to measure viewership, especially if they’re not counting streaming devices.

    So maybe a better title would be “Meaningless metric goes down as it becomes more meaningless.” How exciting!

    Hoffman is from western New York (near where I live).  Hardly Alabama but also very far from NYC.

    No, to reduce somebody to just their job is a dick move on her part. If you’re a human being, you have a point of view. To say that somehow actors shouldn’t be allowed to is BS and insulting to say your job makes you unqualified to talk politics.

    I remember that and thought at the time, “that’s a bullshit question, thank god Denzel didn’t put up with it.”

    A neighbor’s AMC Pacer in the mid-80s.  Every time I saw it I thought it was odd looking and the owner didn’t disappoint, looking like a dictionary photo of hippy.  It always sat in the front yard like it was being worked on but he did use it.

    Any chance they can setup an all unvaccinated league and we can place bets in Vegas on who can’t complete the season?

    Maybe his mom and/or sister?

    These are always so ridiculous.  Yes, all of my state (NY) universally agrees on one candy. /s

    It’s almost like serial rapists defend serial rapists.

    C’mon, how many people give Michael Jackson a pass because of Thriller?  I agree with you but reality is people want to defend their artists.

    I think KFC is ok but Popeye’s is far superior (and cheaper if you use the mobile app).  My family is on the fence between them though.

    But when Canadians don’t hate anything, something has to make the list.  It certainly wouldn’t be Timmy’s.

    Isn’t there still talk of a Carol and Daryl series to follow this one?

    The commonwealth is hell bent on making their community identical to [an idealized version] of before.  They want complacent people who feel like things are as good as they used to be.